
jìn kǒu fù jiā shuì
  • import surcharge;import surtaxes
  1. 更早一些时候,在1971年8月,美国总统理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)实施了尼克松冲击措施,包括征收10%的进口附加税,并结束美元与黄金的相互兑换。

    Earlier still , in August 1971 , the US president Richard Nixon imposed the Nixon shock , imposing a 10 per cent import surcharge and ending dollar convertibility into gold .

  2. 政府正在课征15%的进口附加税。

    The government is imposing a15 % import surcharge .

  3. 保护主义的风险切实存在,美国也许甚至会出台进口附加税。

    There is a real risk of protection - maybe even an import surcharge .

  4. 进口附加税是一种可能的选择。

    Import surcharges are one possibility .

  5. 为了迫使德国和日本货币升值,他威胁要加征10%的进口附加税。

    To force revaluations by Germany and Japan , he threatened a 10 per cent import surcharge .

  6. DS360:印度&对美国的进口品征收附加税和额外附加税案

    DS360 : India Additional and extra-additional duties on imports from the US