
  • 网络Leadership Strategy
  1. 也许这并不是最可持续的领导战略,但毫无疑问,乔布斯所反对的正是传统的管理智慧。

    It may not have been the most sustainable leadership strategy , but of course , Steve Jobs bucked much of management conventional wisdom .

  2. 简论现代领导战略思维方法与艺术

    Way and art of modern leading strategic thinking

  3. 采用实证性的研究方法,探讨了在中国背景下商业企业高层领导战略能力构成因素。

    Explores empirically the formative factors of Chinese top executives leadership skills at implementing the developmental strategies of their commercial enterprises .

  4. 科级教学管理队伍是高等学校教学管理的中坚力量,承担着部门领导战略决策的执行、工作方案的制定和实施、部门决策层与基层管理者之间的协调沟通等职责。

    The section teaching management staff is an important group in the teaching management of a college . They shoulder the tasks of implementing the department leader 's strategic decisions , making working plans and carrying them out , between the decision-making departments and grass-root ones .

  5. 大平衡:领导大战略思维的基点

    Grand Equilibrium : The Foundation of Grand Strategic Thinking on Leadership

  6. 根据公司领导的战略计划,制定实施计划并分解,安排工作任务;

    Formulate and decompose implementation plans , as well as arrange works according to the strategic plans of the enterprise directors ;

  7. 据三星方面表示,集团副董崔志成以及领导未来战略室的三星总裁张忠基都已辞职。

    Samsung Group Vice Chairman Choi Gee-sung and President Chang Choong-ki , who led the future strategy office , resigned , Samsung said .

  8. 管理能力影响因素从强到弱,分别为测量分析与改进、领导、战略、顾客和市场、人力资源、过程管理。

    Management factors that influence from strong to weak are measurement , analysis and improvement , leadership , strategy , customers and markets , human resources , process management .

  9. 英特尔公司前首席执行官安迪格鲁夫的开创性理念和书籍“只有偏执狂才能生存”是对领导,战略,组织惯性一个警告。

    Intel 's former chief_executive Andy Grove 's seminal philosophy and book , Only the Paranoid Survive , was a warning against leadership , strategic , and organizational inertia .

  10. 研究的主要内容:1、在分析技工学校发展及质量管理现状的基础上,指出了质量观、领导与战略、管理理念与方法、改进的动力等主要问题。

    To list some problems in quality management such as the outlook of quality , leadership and strategy , management concept and methods and the motivation of improvement on the basis of the analysis of the development and the situation of quality management in technical schools . 2 .

  11. 场馆组织卓越绩效评价指标体系由领导、战略计划、关注学生、测量分析与改进、资源、过程管理、绩效管理7个一级指标、19个二级指标、61个三级指标构成。

    The excellent performance index evaluation system of stadium and gymnasiums contains seven primary index including leadership , strategically planning , students focus , measurement analysis and improvement , resources , process management , performance management , and nineteen secondary index , and sixty one tertiary index . 4 .

  12. 此系统包括合适的组织结构、企业文化、战略领导、4R战略实施系统。

    This system includes appropriate organizational structure , enterprise culture , strategic leadership , 4R strategy implementation systems .

  13. 市场研究机构gartner分析师阿伦维纳(allenweiner)表示,雅虎此时应该停止短期打算,并应该整合考虑领导权和战略方向。

    Allen Weiner , analyst with the Gartner research firm , said it was time for Yahoo to stop thinking short-term and to bring together consideration of its leadership and strategic direction .

  14. 领导失效以及战略目标的失控。

    Invalidation of leadership and lose control of strategy objective .

  15. 但实际上公司的领导层和战略可能根本没有什么变化。

    Yet little in the way of leadership and strategy may actually have changed .

  16. 优秀的职业经理人和领导团队是战略成功的基石;

    What is Leadership Excellent professional managers and the team are vital to implement a strategy ;

  17. 论领导干部的战略思维

    Strategic Thinking of Leading Cadres

  18. 这个星期早些时候,麦凯恩到访伊拉克,并且谈论了美国领导的增兵战略所取得的进展。

    Earlier in the week , McCain visited Iraq and talked about the progress of the U.S-led military surge strategy .

  19. 该委员会声称,在中国各银行对潜在外国项目的风险评估和北京政治领导层的战略利益之间存在直接关联。

    The committee claims there is a direct correlation between Chinese banks ' risk assessments of potential foreign projects and the strategic interests of the political leadership in Beijing .

  20. 从尊重知识,尊重人才到科学人才观&论党的两代领导核心人才战略思想的创新与发展

    From the Respecting of Knowledge and Talented Persons to the Scientific Outlook of Talented Persons & On the Innovation and Development of Central Leaders ' Talented Persons ' Strategic Thoughts

  21. 与强调企业在商业生态系统中如何攫取领导地位的战略观不同,本文把研究重心放在了企业战略如何塑造成功商业生态系统上。

    Unlike the strategic viewpoint which focus on how to occupy leadership position of business ecosystem , this paper focuses on how to build successful business ecosystem for company 's strategies .

  22. 在周三长达4小时的会议上,世行董事会就领导能力、战略、公司治理、多边机构面临的环境及世行的独立性等问题对佐利克进行了严格盘问。

    At a four-hour meeting on Wednesday , the board grilled Mr Zoellick on leadership , strategy , corporate governance , the environment facing multilateral institutions and the World Bank 's independence .

  23. 在现代企业中,战略领导、开发战略相匹配技术和激励技术创新人才高效的工作是企业获取竞争优势的三个重要驱动要素。

    In modern enterprises , strategic leadership , developing and effectively using the technology in accordance to corporate strategy , and inspiring staff members for technological changes , are three important driving elements for competitiveness .

  24. 揭示了肉鸭养殖市场潜在需求与潜在机会,为战略投资者选择恰当的投资时机和企业领导层做战略规划提供准确的市场情报信息及科学的决策依据。

    It reveals market potential demand and opportunities ; it supplied strategic investors who choose an appropriate timing and the leadership who does strategic planning with some more accurate information and offered scientific decision-making gists for it .

  25. 价值管理和绩效评估作为一种新的管理理念和管理工具,对于推动行政领导班子实施战略计划、实现组织目标起着至关重要的作用。

    The value management and the performance appraisal as one kind of new management idea and management tool play a very important role in pushing the administration leading bodies ' strategic plan and achieving the organization goal .

  26. 针对上述情况,本文从分析战略思维的深刻内涵入手,阐述了各级领导干部提高战略思维能力的必要性、重要性和现实途径。

    In view of the above mentioned situation , this article elaborates the necessity , essentiality and practical means of improving the strategic thinking ability of leading cadres at all levels through an analysis of the profound connotation of the thinking .

  27. 他领导基于单堆栈战略的SOA开发,以简化多个网络和应用程序筒仓。

    He led the development of the SOA based single stack strategy to simplify the multiple network and applications silos .

  28. 我们要感谢NeilKatz领导CIO虚拟空间战略的制订。

    We thank Neil Katz for leading the definition of the CIO virtual spaces strategy .

  29. 简论三代领导集体的人才战略

    On the talents strategy of the three different leading groups

  30. 领导,激励,战略,团队合作,并不重要。

    Leadership , motivation , strategy , teamwork , are not that important .