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  1. 〔目的〕掌握福州长乐国际机场X射线行李货物检查系统基本情况和放射防护现状。

    Objective To understand the current situation of X-ray baggage and goods inspection system and radiation protection conditions .

  2. 长乐-南澳带的左旋走滑活动,是由古太平洋板块朝NW斜向俯冲引起的。

    We believe that this was caused by the NW-trending subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate .

  3. 呈NE向展布于闽东南大陆边缘的长乐&诏安断裂带,是一条规模较大、深切地壳、新活动明显的复式断裂带。

    Changle-Zhao'an fault zone ( strike NE ) that can be traced in Southeast margin of the landmass of Fujian , has a large compound fault structure .

  4. 而陈在上海长乐路开设的另一潮店“ACU”也生意惨淡。

    In " ACU ", a fashion shop opened by Edison in Shanghai , the outlook also looks bleak .

  5. 香港民航处前处长乐巩南(peterknlok)指出,中国已经具备了制造飞机的技术能力,但还不会制造辅助部件。

    Peter kn Lok , a former director of civil aviation in Hong Kong , points out that China already has the technological capability to produce aircraft but it does not yet make ancillary parts .

  6. 第五章围绕第四章的两种WebGIS实现模式,实现了一个原型系统&基于WebGIS的长乐市生态功能区划网络信息系统。

    The fifth chapter based on the fourth chapter , design a prototype system & " Changle ecology function plan web information system based on WebGIS " .

  7. 对胃癌高发区福建长乐县49份鱼露样品的N-亚硝基化合物(NOC)前体进行分析,从中检出17种游离氨基酸,总含量为630μmol/ml。

    The precursors of N-nitroso compounds ( NOC ) in 49 fish sauce samples collected from Changle county , the highest gastric cancer mortality area in China , were analyzed . Seventeen kinds of free amino acids were detected with total concentration of 630 μ mol / ml in average .

  8. 长乐市广州管圆线虫集体感染的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Study on Group Infection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Changle City

  9. 福建长乐东部海岸沙丘发育成因及特征

    Origin and Characteristics of Coastal Dunes in Eastern Changle of Fujian Province

  10. 长乐王回辨考

    Distinguish and Study a Native of Changle Named Wang Hui

  11. 长乐国际机场配套规划中的可持续发展问题

    On the Sustainable Development of the Allocate Planning of Changle International Airport

  12. 长乐地震前兆监测系统软件研究

    The software research on seismic precursor monitoring system in Changle

  13. 爱的建筑&记福建长乐冰心文学馆创作设计

    Creation of Bing Xin Literary Hall in Changle , Fujian

  14. 长乐林场林地综合效益评估

    Appraisal on comprehensive effect of woodland of Changle forestry centre

  15. 长乐国际机场附近沙滩潮间带的生态

    Ecology on intertidal benthos of sandy beach around international airport , Changle

  16. 走进历史的深处&千年长乐古桥抢救保护工程综述

    Look into the History-Summarize on Salvage Maintenance Project of Ancient Changle Bridge

  17. 福建长乐胃癌分子流行病学研究

    A molecular epidemiologic study on gastric cancer in Changle , Fujian Province

  18. 西安长乐立交供配电及照明系统设计

    The design for Xi'an Changle flyover power supply and lighting

  19. 长乐航空城&未来福州市级副中心规划设想

    Changle Aircity & the Planning Concept of Subcentre of Fuzhou in the Future

  20. 长乐市生态建设体系构想

    The Design of Ecological Construction System in Changle City

  21. 福建长乐&诏安地震断裂带闽南段地下水水化学特征

    Chemical characteristics of groundwater of Changle & Zhaoan Fault Zone in southern Fujian

  22. 两人还不约而同地抨击了前任市长乐此不疲地搞复杂建筑工程。

    Both spurned the kinds of elaborate construction projects favoured by previous mayors .

  23. 认为《长乐城市近期建设规划》的制定是必要和可行的。

    Instituting recent planning is very essential and feasible .

  24. 福州盆地与长乐海岸平原;

    Fuzhou Basin and Coastal Plain of Changle County ;

  25. 汨罗长乐方言的声韵调结构及其拼合特点

    Features of Phonetic System and Syllable Structure of the Changle Dialect in Miluo County

  26. 长乐南澳构造带的变形变质作用

    Deformation event and metamorphism of CHANGLE-NANAO tectonic zone

  27. 长乐胃癌高发区饮用水致突变性研究

    A study on mutagenicity of source water for drinking in Changle counte , a

  28. 长乐颗粒剂成型工艺的初步研究

    Preliminary study on formalizing process of Changle Granule

  29. 长乐-南澳韧性剪切带走滑特征探讨

    The strike - slip movement of the changle-nan'ao ductile shear zone , southeastern China

  30. 长乐以上,河流经丘陵山区,水系发育,水量丰富。

    Changle over mountain rivers flowing through hilly , water development , water rich .