
  • 网络Changle County
  1. 对胃癌高发区福建长乐县49份鱼露样品的N-亚硝基化合物(NOC)前体进行分析,从中检出17种游离氨基酸,总含量为630μmol/ml。

    The precursors of N-nitroso compounds ( NOC ) in 49 fish sauce samples collected from Changle county , the highest gastric cancer mortality area in China , were analyzed . Seventeen kinds of free amino acids were detected with total concentration of 630 μ mol / ml in average .

  2. 长乐县和福安市胃癌病因的环境水文地质因素探讨

    Research of the Factors of Environmental Hydrogeology of Gastric Carcinoma among Changle County and Fu'an City

  3. 报告采用原子吸收光谱法测定长乐县102名不同年龄健康人血清锌、铜、钙、镁含量。

    The serum zinc , copper , calcium and megnesium levels of 102 health peoples in different age groups were determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrometric analysis .

  4. 通过生物学短期试验和动物诱癌实验,我们研究了我国胃癌高发区福建长乐县(男性胃癌标化死亡率达113.20/10~5)鱼露的致突致癌作用。

    The mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of fish sauce ( FS ) sample from Changle county , a high gastric cancer mortality ( 113.20/105 ) area , were investigated with the biologic short-term tests and laboratory animal experiment .