
chánɡ chénɡ ɡuó jì
  • International Information Product Coorporation
  1. 欢迎阁下莅临铜仁南长城国际大酒店。

    Welcome to the International Southern Great Wall Hotel .

  2. 昆山长城国际商业综合体方案设计

    Experience the spacious environment & the design of Kunshan Great wall international comprehensive business center

  3. 曾在2006和2008长城国际音乐夏令营先后担任院长室秘书和翻译。

    She worked as secretary of Dean 's office in2006 Great Wall International Music Academy ( GWIMA ) and also as translator in2008 GWIMA .

  4. 引领时尚消费,缔造国际品牌。入住南长城国际大酒店,彰显您无限尊贵。

    Leading the fashion consumption and creating the international brand , choosing the International Southern Great Wall Hotel is the way to reveal your unlimited honor .

  5. 分析了当前市场竞争特征、以及全球服务器市场发展状况和消费趋势,服务器行业的现状以及长城国际的组织环境和面临问题。

    Analyze the current marketing competition status , international server market development and consumption trend ; server business status and ISTC organization environment and development resistance .

  6. 本文分析了长城国际创业取得今天的成绩所运用的国际创业战略,希望给其他民营汽车企业进行国际创业有所启示。

    This thesis analyzes the international business strategy used by Great Wall International business , hoping it can shed some light on other private car companies .

  7. 如今,作为长城保护组织国际长城之友(InternationalFriendsoftheGreatWall)的创始人,林赛每天的工作就是徒步爬长城、做研究、摄影以及谈论长城。

    He now spends his days hiking , researching , photographing and talking about the Great Wall , as the founder of a conservation group called International Friends of the Great Wall .

  8. 中国长城工业公司对国际发射市场一些问题的澄清

    Clarification by CGWIC on the Price of Its Launch Services