- long int

James Lowden 's proposal allows longs to be used as array indices in place of32-bit ints .
But JCR also supports other types , including booleans , dates , and long integers .
If you in your expression used UL ( said unsigned long integer ), then you have a good starting point .
And then LLD , we 'll see in a moment , this is for particularly long numbers which will become relevant especially as you 're trying to process lots of information .
LongRangeValidator : Component 's local value must be numeric type and convertible to long ; must be in range specified by minimum and / or maximum values .
For example , if you change a field from Double to Long Integer , decimal numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number .
In this method , the high-dimensional features of the image are converted to a fingerprint described by a long integer to build the database of the fingerprints , and the inverted index is also used in this detection procedure .