
  • When I grow up.;Grown Ups;When I grew up
  1. 我想长大后当飞行员。

    I want to be a pilot when I grow up .

  2. 我长大后要当一名美术教师。

    When I grow up I want to be an art teacher .

  3. 他想在长大后当飞行员。

    He wants to be a pilot when he grows up .

  4. 你长大后想做什么?

    What do you want to be when you 're grown-up ?

  5. 通常睡眠轻的婴儿长大后仍然只需要较少的睡眠。

    Wakeful babies will often continue to need little sleep as they grow older .

  6. 有多少人年幼时父母因为自己没有离异,长大后神经变得敏感脆弱?

    How many screwed-up adults are there now whose parents stayed together for the children 's sake ?

  7. 和所有母亲一样,我对女儿们长大后的生活怀有幻想。

    I had fantasies , as do all mothers , about how life would be when my girls were grown

  8. 他长大后不想住在乡下,也不想住在城里。

    He doesn 't want to live in the country when he grows up , nor does he want to live in the city .

  9. 你长大后要做总理?你雄心不小。

    So you 're going to be prime minister when you grow up ? you are aiming high .

  10. 蔬菜长大后,我们将采下我们所需要的,把其余的送给邻居们。

    When the green vegetables head up , we 'll pick what we need and give the rest to our neighbours .

  11. 约翰长大后,其他孩子都为他感到难过。

    When John was growing up , other kids felt sorry for him .

  12. 大多数人小时候比长大后观察到的要多得多。

    Most of us observed much more as children than we do as adults .

  13. 然而,当他们长大后,他们更喜欢独居。

    However , when they grow up , they prefer to live alone .

  14. 长大后,每当我们回首往事时,我们都会希望当时做出了更好的选择。

    As we get older , we look back and wish that we had made better choices .

  15. 一个记者问洛克:"你长大后想做什么?"

    A reporter asked Rocco , " What do you want lo be when you grow up ? "

  16. 从我还是个小女孩起,我就喜欢看犯罪和侦探小说,所以我想当我长大后开始写小说是很正常的。

    Ever since I was a little girl , I 've loved reading crime and detective novels , so I guess it was pretty normal that I started writing them when I was older .

  17. 小女孩慢慢长大后就不会在怕宠物了。

    The little girl will outgrow her fear of pet animals .

  18. 售票员就说:“好吧,这次就让他免票乘车了,不过,我知道他长大后会成为一个什么样的人。英语小故事”女人问他:“会成为一个什么人哪?”

    The conductor said , " Well , I 'll let him ride free this time , but I know what he 's going to be when he grows up . " The woman asked , " What is he going to be ? "

  19. 当Clifford长大后,他成了我们这条街上最大、最红的狗狗。

    When Clifford grows up , he is the biggest , reddest dog on my street .

  20. 弗兰妮(Franny)和祖伊(Zooey)长大后依然苦闷吗?

    Or that Franny and Zooey remained in a funk ?

  21. 这是关于Shigeru在日本时的故事,因为光盘上都是关于他长大后的故事。

    This is the story of Shigeru when he was in Japan because the story on CD-ROM is when he has grown up .

  22. 学习另一种语言也可在他们长大后有所帮助,MartineBuissart是法语遗产语言项目的迈阿密负责人,该项目总部在纽约。

    Learning another language can also help them when they grow up . Martine Buissart is the Miami for the French Heritage Language Program , which is based in New York .

  23. 2009年发表由Primack指导的长达7年的研究表明,相对于较少看电视的青少年,那些看太多电视的人长大后更有可能变得压抑。

    A seven-year study published in2009 , also led by Primack , showed that teens who watched more TV were more likely to become depressed in adulthood , compared with teens who watched less .

  24. 今年9月,赛义德的父亲赛义德江·库雷希(SaeedJanQureshi)因心力衰竭去世。赛义德说,他父亲一定会感到很喜悦:他从前总是将偷书的孩子视作对未来的投资,相信他们长大后依然热爱读书,会成为他的顾客。

    Saeed said his father , Saeed Jan Qureshi , who died of heart failure in September , would have been amused : He had always regarded book theft by children as an investment in a future where people still read , and thus become his customers .

  25. 他长大后可做他喜欢做的事。

    After he grows up he can do what he likes .

  26. 我无法说他长大后会是什么样子。

    I can 't say what he grew up to be .

  27. 男孩子长大后又将和他的女朋友在车内约会。

    Later the boy will date his girlfriend in a car .

  28. 你长大后会成什么人?

    What will you become of you when you grow up ?

  29. 他想孩子长大后有机会出人头地。

    He wanted his kid to grow up with a chance .

  30. 长大后便成了一个爱雨的女子。

    Grew up after the rain has become a loving woman .