
  1. 最新的一项调查显示,几乎三分之一的英国职员痛恨办公室圣诞派对。

    A recent survey found that almost a third of British workers hate office Christmas parties .

  2. 对于我们这些在英国工作的人来说,不参加“办公室圣诞派对”,就不准过圣诞。

    For those of us working in the UK , you 're not allowed Christmas Day until you 've had " Office Christmas Party Day . "

  3. 当许多中国的公司正在策划春节联欢会,庆贺龙年佳绩(希望如此)之时,英国人刚刚从十二月初的办公室圣诞派对中回过神来。

    While Chinese companies are planning their Spring Festival gala to congratulate themselves on what has ( hopefully ) been a good Year of the Dragon , people in the UK are recovering from their office Christmas parties , which took place in early December .