
  • 网络Bando
  1. 根据人才发展咨询机构睿仕管理(RightManagement)对美国1023位员工的调查显示,现在只有21%的人经常离开办工桌吃午餐。

    Only 21 % of people now regularly leave their workstations for a midday meal , according to a poll of 1,023 U.S. employees by talent development consultants right management .

  2. 他从他的办工桌转向我,发了很多牢骚。

    He turned to me from his office desk and complained a lot .

  3. 在某人办工桌旁停留。

    Stop by someone 's desk .

  4. 我并不是光办一桌极讲究的酒席,另外还带着不少零碎儿呢。

    I was not only providing a swell dinner , but some odds and ends of extra .

  5. 当公司秘书不在,你在她的办工桌上接了电话,发现对方是催缴公司、称其本周第三次打来。

    You answer the phone while the company 's secretary is away from her desk and find that the voice at the other end is a collection agency calling for the third time that week .

  6. 圣经中那个浪子回家,父亲就为他办了一桌酒席,筵席中所有的亲朋好友都为这个失而复得的儿子开怀高兴。

    When the prodigal son returned to his home , his father made a feast , where all rejoiced together over the return of the son who had been dead , and now was alive again .

  7. 尽管你也很难适应站立办式办公桌的变革,而且你的公司也并不认为可以选择脚踏办公桌,那么每天增加一些身体活动都会有益于你的健康和专心。

    Even if you can 't get on board with the standing desk revolution , and your company isn 't feeling the treadmill desk alternative , adding more physical activity to your day will benefit your health and concentration .