
  • 网络Cheung Chau
  1. 1867年,在长州和萨摩两藩的攻击下,德川幕府倒台。

    The shogunate was overthrown by the domains of Satsuma and Chsh in1867 .

  2. 珠江长州断面底泥重金属污染潜在生态危害评价

    Assessment of potential ecological risk from heavy metals in sediment in the Changzhou section of the Pearl River

  3. 相对于其他因素,萨摩、长州两藩的兴起在导致德川幕府倒台一事上有何重要性?试加以探讨。

    Examine the importance of the rise of Satsuma and Choshu relative to other factors in leading to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate .

  4. 解释长州及萨摩藩势力日益增长的原因,并解释该两藩如何导致德川幕府的倒台。

    Account for the growing strength of Satsuma and Choshu , and explain how these two hans contributed to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate . ( 2001 )

  5. 这是新罕布什尔州历史上最长的州审判案。

    It 's the longest state trial in New Hampshire history .