
  • 网络Japanese consulate
  1. 您父亲常去日本领事馆,这-切都被看到了。

    Your father has been seen frequently entering the Japanese consulate .

  2. 郑州日本领事馆及其间谍活动述论

    On Japanese Consulate in Zhengzhou and Its Espial

  3. 日本领事馆估计,18个月前,有4.8万日本人居住在上海。但此后有多少人离开,该馆没有相关数据。

    The Japanese consulate estimates there were 48,000 nationals in Shanghai 18 months ago , but says it has no figures for the number that might have left since .

  4. 日本领事馆的数据显示,约有4.8万名日本人生活在上海,但搬家公司说,由于经济危机,回国的日本人数量有所增加。

    About 48,000 Japanese live in Shanghai , according to the consulate , though removals companies say there has been an increase in people returning home due to the economic crisis .

  5. 正如我昨晚与菅直人首相所说,也是今天在驻华盛顿的日本领事馆重申的,在这样严峻考验和极度悲痛的时刻,日本人民并非独自应对。

    As I told Prime Minister Kan last night , and reaffirmed at the Japanese embassy here in Washington today , the Japanese people are not alone in this time of great trial and sorrow .

  6. 日本间岛领事馆成立以后,中日两国围绕间岛朝鲜人的国籍问题、领事裁判权问题所展开的矛盾和斗争,实质上是领事权和领土之争。

    After the Japanese consulate was founded in Jian Island , the contradictory and struggle of nationality and consular jurisdiction between China and Japan is the issue about consular right and territory .

  7. 关于朝鲜人闯日本驻沈阳领事馆

    Korean Intruders into the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang

  8. 1931年初设立的日本驻郑州领事馆,是日本向中国内地渗透的重要据点。

    The Japanese Consulate in Zhengzhou set up in early 1931 is an important beachhead of Japan to pervade into the Chinese hinterland .

  9. 长屋嘉明是日本驻旧金山领事馆的副领事,他被控犯下17项重罪:14项家庭暴力罪和3项侵犯人身权利罪。罪行包括用螺丝刀捅妻子,打落她的一颗牙齿。

    Yoshiaki Nagaya , vice-consul at Japan 's consulate in San Francisco , is accused of 17 felony offenses , 14 of domestic violence and three of assault , including stabbing her with a screwdriver and knocking a tooth out .

  10. 日本大使馆和领事馆哪个离这儿近一点?

    Which is closer from here the Japanese embassy or consulate ?

  11. 他还分别同美国、法国及日本驻沈阳总领事馆总领事进行了交流。

    He also met the Consul Generals from the United States , France and Japan separately .

  12. 日本驻旧金山总领事馆的副总领事原田道夫说,在日本政府有任何动向或决定之前,仍将保留长屋的职位。

    Michio Harada , the deputy consul general at Japan 's Consulate General in San Francisco , said Nagaya remained on the staff pending developments or a decision from Tokyo .

  13. 日本民众看到了太多负面的电视镜头:中国民众用石块袭击日本领事馆,对日本足球队喝倒彩,并称呼日本人为“猪”和“鬼子”。

    Japanese people have seen too much footage of Chinese people stoning their consulates , booing their football team and calling them " pigs " and " Devils " .