
  1. 本文利用武汉WSR-81S数字化雷达的ColumnMaximum图象产品资料,分析了1987年8月18日至21日发生在长江中游地区的一场连续暴雨过程。

    In this paper , a continuous heavy rain process , which occurred over the middle reaches of Changjiang River between 18-21 , August , 1987 , is analysed using Column Maximum Pictures of WSR-81S digital radar data in Wuhan City .

  2. 长江中游地区水资源利用

    Utilization of water resources of middle reaches of the Changjiang River

  3. 长江中游地区水资源产业化开发研究

    Research on Commercializing Utilization of Water Resources in the Middle Reaches of Changjiang River

  4. 长江中游地区洪泛沉积物与正常河流沉积物磁组构特征对比研究

    A comparative study of magnetic fabric characters between flooded sediments and normal river sediments

  5. 论长江中游地区新石器时代晚期的生计经济与人口压力

    On Late Neolithic Livelihood Economy and Population Pressure in the Middle Yangtze River Valley

  6. 长江中游地区战国青铜箭镞的锈蚀形态

    Rust-Eaten Morphology of Bronze Arrows of Warring States Period Excavated in Middle Yangtse River Region

  7. 长江中游地区以及成都平原地区构成了唐代第二级旅游目的地。

    The middle reaches of Yangtze river and the Chengdu plain region were the second-grade destinations .

  8. 夏商时期中原与长江中游地区的文化联系

    Cultural Relations of the Central Plains with the Middle Yangtze River Valley in the Xia-Shang Period

  9. 长江中游地区湖泊湿地的退田还湖工程是恢复长江生态功能系统工程中一个很重要的子系统。

    Returning land to lake is one of the important parts of restoring ecological function of the Yangtze River .

  10. 南水北调中线工程与长江中游地区水资源优化利用

    Middle Route Project of South-North Water Transfer and optimized utilization of water resources in the middle reaches of Yangtze River

  11. 施用有机肥对长江中游地区双季稻田磷素径流损失及水稻产量的影响

    Effect of Organic Manure Application on Runoff Phosphorus Loss from Rice-Rice Field in the Middle Reach of the Yangtze River

  12. 长江中游地区对流云团的卫星云图统计特征和预报流程

    Statistical characteristics and forecasting flow of convective cloud clusters in the satellite pictures over the middle reaches of the Changjiang River

  13. 该文主要讨论商代长江中游地区铜矿的开发问题。

    This paper mainly discusses the exploitation of the coppite in the middle reaches area of Yangtze River in Shang dynasty .

  14. 这副形象的“哭泣的海豚”的影像,是一位摄影师在沿长江中游地区的保护区内抓拍的。

    This iconic image of the crying porpoise , was captured by photographers at a reserve along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River .

  15. 寻求适合长江中游地区的良种配套良法,达到增产、增收、增效的目的。

    Seeking seed supporting good law for the middle reaches of the Yangtze River region , to achieve the purpose of output , income , and increased efficiency .

  16. 本试验探讨北方冬小麦在长江中游地区的生态适应性,为提高该地区冬小麦的产量开辟新的途径。

    The ecological adaptability of north winter wheat varieties in the middle reaches area of the YangTze River was studied and a new way of increase yield was excremed .

  17. ü武汉是长江中游地区的大城市,是湖北省的政治、济和文化中心。

    Wuhan ,( which is ) a metropolis situated in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River , is the political , economic and cultural center of Hubei Province .

  18. 第四章分析了长江中游地区三大城市群空间结构的发展趋势,提出了未来三大城市群将成为多极协同、网络发展的生态型城市集群。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the development trend of the spatial structure of urban agglomeration , the three city groups will become multi-polar collaboration , network development , eco-city cluster .

  19. 学者们通常认为,古蜀文明接受中原文明的影响,主要是通过长江中游地区和陕南等途径。

    Scholar normally deemed that ancient Shu civilization was subject to the influence of the Central Plains Civilization mainly through the middle reaches area of the Yangtse River and South Shaanxi area .

  20. 完善农业保险制度安排,以农业政策性保险分担农业水灾风险,增强长江中游地区农户抵御自然灾害的能力。

    To amplify farms ' capability to mitigate natural disasters by agricultural policy 's insurance shared risk of agricultural flood disasters in the plain of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River .

  21. 研究表明,地下水和单一的种植结构与利用方式,是长江中游地区潜沼化土壤生产力的主要限制因子。

    The research shows that high groundwater table and single-crop farming system were the most important limiting factors in the productivity of gleyed and swamped soils in the middle basin of the Yangtze river .

  22. 环长株潭城市群是长江中游地区重要经济增长极,公路运输是城市群内部相互联系的主要交通方式。

    Ring of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration is an important economic growth pole in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River . Highway traffic is the most important transport to contact each other in Urban Agglomerations .

  23. 湖北省位于我国中部的长江中游地区,自然环境得天独厚,青山连绵起伏,水资源丰富,森林茂密,地形多变。

    Hubei province , located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and central China , is naturally endowed with undulating green mountains , stretches of waters , dense forests , and diversified landforms .

  24. 中国三峡工程是当今世界上最大的水利水电工程。长江中游地区暴雨过程的气候背景分析

    The Three Gorges dam construction on the Yangtze River in China is the largest hydroelectric project in the world . Background of climatic anomalies about heavy rain in middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China

  25. 其美性态研究更是属于国家教育部规划项目《长江中游地区民族民间文化遗产审美形态研究》的一部分。

    Behavior of its study of the United States belong to the state Department of Education is planning projects , " Yangtze River Region , national and folk cultural heritage study of aesthetic form ," part of it .

  26. 2002年7月22~23日,长江中游地区出现了大范围暴雨过程,这次暴雨过程是在有利的大尺度环流背景下,由中α尺度切变线上的几个中β尺度系统直接导致的。

    A large extent heavy rain process occurred over the Changjiang River basin during 22 & 23 July 2002 . The event was caused by several meso β scale convective systems in a meso α scale shear line under large scale weather situation .

  27. 长江中游地区的经济发展在唐朝时期也没有能够形成统一的核心区,进步拉大了与下游的差距。

    The economic development of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in the Tang Dynasty were unable to form a unified core area , resulting in a further widening of the gap in economic development between it and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River ' s.

  28. 长江中游沿岸地区(宜昌&沙市)地震影响小区划

    Seismic Microzonation in the middle reaches of Yangtze River

  29. 长江中游沿岸地区水资源特点评价及其开发利用

    Characteristics evaluation and utilization of water resources of riverside area along the middle Changjiang River

  30. 试论长江中游沿岸地区区域环境特征与洪涝灾害

    A study on the regional environmental features and flood disaster along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River