
  1. 魏晋南北朝文学对于商人的表现

    The Merchant Image in Literature of Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties

  2. 刘宋文学作为魏晋南北朝文学的一环,有着重要的地位和作用。

    As part of the Wei literature , Liu song Literature has an important position and role .

  3. 刘宋文学在魏晋南北朝文学史上具有重要的转变地位。

    Liu Song Dynasty Literature in Northern and Southern Dynasties literary history has an important change in position .

  4. 这一切决定了魏晋南北朝文学创作的趋同性和绮丽繁华的城市品格。

    And all these determined the general trend in literature production and the urban quality and style of literature .

  5. 魏晋南北朝文学表现家族观念的情感模式

    The emotion models showing the clan sense in the literature of Wei , Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties

  6. 魏晋南北朝文学具有鲜明的城市化特征,城市是文学创作的渊薮,城市除了深刻影响文学的生产,也深刻影响着文学的消费或传播。

    Thus literature of this period had its urban characteristic which displayed that the production and spreading of literature resulted from the deep influence of cities as sources of literature .

  7. 前辈学人从不同的角度对人的觉醒和文的自觉进行过阐述,认为是魏晋南北朝文学的特点;

    The former scholars have explained people 's awakening and self-conscious of literature from different angles , and regarded it as the characteristic of literature in the Wei-Jin and Northern-Southern Dynasties .

  8. 曹植是建安时期著名的文学家,在长期的创作实践活动中,也展开了积极的文学批评,提出了相关的论文主张,是魏晋南北朝文学思想和理论批评的重要组成部分。

    Known as a distinguished poet in Jian-an period , Cao Zhi , in the long practice of creation , put forward correlated theoretical advocations in literary criticism as an important component of literary thoughts and theoretical criticism of that time .

  9. 本文正是针对以上问题对魏晋南北朝巴蜀文学进行的一个整理研究工作。

    This article is neatening and researching for Ba-Shu literature which in Wei-Jin and the Southern & Northern Dynasties contrapose above issues .

  10. 魏晋南北朝是文学自觉的时代,文学的艺术特质得到了充分的发展,为唐文学的繁荣提供了重要的文学前提。

    Wei , Jin , South & North Dynasty was an era of literature self-consciousness during which artistic characters of literature were fully developed and provided an important literary foundation for the prosperity of Tang literature as well as an era of various thoughts blending with one another .

  11. 魏晋南北朝是中国文学史上第一个文学的自觉时代。此观点现代学人多有论述。

    Many modern scholars think the Wei-Jin-South-North-Dynasty is the first " self-conscious period of the literature " .

  12. 第三章分两节论述魏晋南北朝家训的文学价值。

    The third chapter is divided into two sections on the literary value of Family Instructions of the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  13. 魏晋南北朝的城市文学&以宋齐梁陈为例

    On Urban Literature in Wei and Jin , the Southern and Northern Dynasties & Taking the Cases of Song , Qi , Liang and Chen Dynasties in point

  14. 如果在文化的观照下研究魏晋南北朝时期的文学,则文学必然与两个因素密不可分,即家族、地域,因为此一时期的文化受家族和地域的深刻影响。

    If literature in Wei Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties is studied from cultural point of view , literature must be closely concerned with two factors : clan and region , because by which the culture during this period was greatly affected .

  15. 魏晋南北朝是中国文学自觉的时代,各种文体样式都取得了突飞猛进的发展,同时也开始出现彼此影响、融合的现象。

    Wei , Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties is the era of the Chinese literary consciousness , in which a variety of literary genre have made the rapid development , also brought a phenomena that they began to influence and blend each other .

  16. 论魏晋南北朝经学与文学之互动

    On the Interaction between Confucianism and Literature in Wei , Jin , the Northern and Southern Dynasties

  17. 魏晋南北朝是我国文学史和艺术史上一个重要的变革时期。

    Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties is an important period of changing in the history of literature and art .

  18. 并通过对魏晋时期章表体散文进行系统研究,彰显魏晋散文在学术研究上的重要性,并为拓展魏晋南北朝文学研究领域作出新尝试。

    The thesis expressed the importance of Wei and Jin Dynasties ' prose in academic research and attempted to expand the new field of Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties literature .