- elder;senior;venerable elder;influential figure;father figure;mzee

(1) [senior]∶年纪大、辈份高的人
长者虽有问,役夫敢伸恨。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》
长者加以金银华美之服。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》
(2) [venerable elder]∶指有德行的人
(3) [influential figure]∶显贵的人
In still another use , persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect , particularly to an elder or a person in authority .
He shouldn 't burlesque the elder .
Rightly or wrongly , many older people are afraid of violence in the streets .
He became a father figure to the whole company .
A deputation of elders from the village arrived headed by its chief .
You 're a wise old man : tell me what to do .
Young people were several times more likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce
' Oi , shut your mouth and have respect for elders , ' Langda said to the boy .
With great interest , he read everything he could lay his hands on , listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown .
An elderly gentleman who happened to pass by was surprised at the scene . Curiously2 , he asked the fox the reason of her bitter weeping .
They are now popular throughout the world and are not only popular among teenagers but among the older generation ; they are popular among celebrities as well .
" The Rare Generation , unlike their elders , isn 't crazy about status-oriented brands ," says Black .
The danger may be compounded by older men seeking out younger , sexually active women , which increases their chances of exposure to HIV .
It is not surprising that swine flu is more familiar to the elderly than its official name H1N1 Influenza A.
Also – unlike Ram – family elders often have more faith in traditional birth attendants , who are not always able to handle obstetric emergencies .
One villager interviewed by Oxfam Hong Kong said he knows no traditional song and that only six or seven elderly men can speak the O Du mother tongue fluently .
respectfully Children should speak respectfully to their elders .
The SDS scores of patients with long course of disease before hospitalization were higher ; there was a small improved extent for ADL ( P < 0.05 ) .
Method To treat 68 patients after operation of bone joint by using CPM , last from 8 days to 4 weeks respectively , ( the average is 15.6 days ) .
At Airbnb , I also learned as a modern elder that my role was to intern publicly and mentor privately .
Analyst J. Peter Pham says President Sharif needs to quickly shore up support for his government among influential groups such as clerics , clan elders , civil society leaders , and businessmen .
As I spent more time at Airbnb , I realized it 's possible a new kind of elder was emerging in the workplace .
Goldman and Gabriel spend a lot of time on the human issues , such as how to guide visitors to your project and honor the elders who are the long-time , respected members of the community .
At first glance Takeo Fukui cuts the kind of reassuringly grey figure one would expect of the head of a world-beating Japanese carmaker .
A report by the Centre for Cities this week found that 35 per cent of London 's jobs are graduate level , and a third of UK residents who relocate in their twenties move to London . This inflow of the young and foreign immigrants more than offsets an outflow of older people .
E 2 after operation than before operation ( P < 0.01 ) . The pregnant women ′ s various hormonal level was declined greatly ( P < 0.01 ); the effect was well especially for the patients with long course of diseases .
But he turns Dantesque in the very next sentence : And so , once again , Brutus betrayed an older man who trusted him , just as he had earlier betrayed first Pompey and then Cato .
Partial penetrating keratoplasties were done in 37 rabbits ( 37 eyes ) with the preserved cornea . The grafts remained transparent for a minimum of < 1 days to a maximum of over one year with 7 grafts remaining transparent over 30 days .
J. K. Galbraith once said , " Politics is not the art of the possible . It consists of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable . " He could have been speaking of the decisions we keep putting off about how we pay for future care of the elderly .
Seep may be improved better if EA for along period .