
  • 网络distressed debt
  1. 今年早些时候从德银(deutschebank)辞职的一群问题债务交易员,已在香港成立起了自己的专业投行。

    A team of distressed debt traders who resigned from Deutsche Bank earlier this year have set up their own boutique investment bank in Hong Kong .

  2. 在问题债务中,在底部时的交易量可能会为零。

    In distressed debt , transaction volumes at the bottom are nil at best .

  3. Lee估计,不包括日本在内,亚太地区问题债务市场的总规模高达1000亿美元。

    Mr Lee estimated that the total size of the distressed market in Asia-Pacific , excluding Japan , was as high as $ 100bn .

  4. 今日开业的SCLowy将专门从事亚洲地区的问题债务及非流动资产投资业务。自金融危机爆发以来,此类资产的投资在银行和对冲基金中间日益流行。

    SC Lowy , which opened today , will deal exclusively in distressed and illiquid investments across Asia , an asset class that has become increasingly fashionable among banks and hedge funds since the financial crisis struck .

  5. 问题债务投资策略与风险研究

    Study on the Strategies and Risk of Investing Distressed Debt

  6. 在被动投资策略中,投资者主要通过发掘被低估的问题债务进行投资和持有问题债务分散投资风险。

    On the other hand , passive investing allows investors to purchase distressed debt as an undervalued security or to diversify portfolio risk .

  7. 洛伊今年3月从德银辞职时曾引起轰动。他在1999年为德银创立了亚洲问题债务业务。

    Mr Lowy caused a stir when he resigned from Deutsche Bank in March , having founded its Asian distressed debt operation in 1999 .

  8. 陷入困境企业的贷款及债券在交易中有欠透明,这使得外界难以掌握该行业的数据。但市场人士表示,近几个月来,投资银行和对冲基金已大举进入亚洲问题债务市场。

    While the opaque nature of trading in the loans and bonds of troubled companies makes industry data hard to come by , market participants say that investment banks and hedge funds have been aggressively moving into the Asian market in recent months .

  9. 他们不遗余力地诋毁主权cds,必然会让投资者对其使用欧元区纾困基金为问题主权债务提供担保的计划产生更大的怀疑。

    Their active subversion of sovereign CDs must be feeding investor scepticism of their plan to use the eurozone rescue fund for insurance of troubled sovereign debt .

  10. 有关Medicare(即美国给老年人提供的联邦医疗保险)赤字燃眉问题的债务违约风险威胁着股市的走势。

    The risk of a debt default over the combustible issue of the Medicare deficit hangs over the course of the stock market .

  11. 两名知情人士透露,今日欧洲央行(ecb)在其管理委员会会议上宣布购买欧元区问题主权债务的计划时,将不会公布任何正式的国债收益率上限。

    The European Central Bank will refrain from publishing any formal cap on bond yields when it announces a plan to buy distressed eurozone sovereign debt at its governing council meeting today , two people familiar with the matter said .

  12. 陛下,问题在于债务非常严重。

    The problem of the debt is grave , your majesty .

  13. 两年制课程存在一个固有的问题:债务。

    This two-year programme brings with it one inherent problem : debt .

  14. 问题不是债务,而是磋商债务偿还。

    The problem isn 't the debt , it 's negotiating repayment of the debt .

  15. 这就引出了我的最后一个问题:债务重组后的欧元区还有可能存在吗?

    This leads to my final question : could the eurozone survive a wave of debt restructurings ?

  16. 同百万人面临严重的债务问题,债务管理提供了广泛的解决方案。

    With millions of people facing serious debt problems , debt management is widely offered as a solution .

  17. 约有20%的问题主权债务和相关金融机构债务是以这种方法记账的。

    About 20 per cent of troubled sovereign and related financial institution debt is held in this way .

  18. 近几个月来,北京方面已成为欧洲问题主权债务比较热心的支持者之一。

    Beijing has emerged as one of the more enthusiastic backers of distressed European sovereign debt in recent months .

  19. 美国在国会换届后,必须着力解决结构性支出和不断膨胀的债务问题巨额债务将是美国未来经济增长的一大负担。

    With a new Congress , the US will need to address structural spending and ballooning debt that will tax future growth .

  20. 他们目前的主要问题是债务过重和股权结构不够合理,预计2011年这些问题可能会得到解决。

    The only problem now with Hynix is the debt overhang and the ownership structure which we hope will be resolved in2011 .

  21. 金融危机最大的遗留问题是债务,但起码在私人部门,债务水平已有了一定程度的降低。

    Debt was the biggest legacy of the crash , but in the private sector at least , there has been progress in reducing it .

  22. 但此次审计也显示,政府从去年起开始遏制这个问题,债务增长大幅放缓至19%。

    But it also showed that the government began to get a grip on the problem last year , with debt growth slowing sharply to 19 per cent .

  23. 作者还进一步分析了其相关的两个问题:债务重组与企业改制有机结合,防止企业利用改制逃债、赖债问题;

    The author also analyzes the other two relating issues , such as debts realignment should combine with reforming firms mechanisms and prevent firms evade debts or deny debts ;

  24. 高盛近期的一项预测表明,美国的银行存在价值5.7万亿美元的“问题”债务,比如次债和商业不动产。

    A recent estimate by Goldman Sachs suggests that American banks held some $ 5.7 trillion-worth of loans in " troubled " categories , such as subprime mortgages and commercial property .

  25. 从理论上分析我国上市公司融资结构存在的问题,债务融资对公司财务绩效的积极和消极影响以及我国电力行业上市公司债务融资的现状和成因。

    Theoretically analyses the existing problems of our listed companies ' financing structure , the positive and negative effects on debt financing for financial performance , as well as current situation and cause with debt financing of our country electric power industry listed company .

  26. 银行业的问题和主权债务问题之间已形成了一种恶性循环。

    The banking and sovereign debt problems are mutually self reinforcing .

  27. 问题在于这种债务对借款人造成的负担。

    The problem lies with the burden that this debt is imposing on borrowers .

  28. 在改革中,一个无法避免的问题&隐性债务就出现了。

    During the reform , one cannot avoid the problem of recessive debt & appeared .

  29. 事实上,许多人争吵的核心问题都与债务有关,而节日季更是经济问题导致争吵的高发期。

    In fact , as many fights are debt-centric , the holidays are high season for knock down drag out financial brawls .

  30. 同样可以预见的是,盈余国家的视角会有所不同,将问题归咎于债务国的铺张浪费和借债上瘾。

    Equally predictably , the surplus countries see things differently , and blame the profligacy and the debt addiction of the debtor countries .