
  1. 兰开夏郡议会自设的实验室已经对样品进行DNA检验,检验的样品由负责管理行业标准的官员采集。初步结果显示,校餐中含有马肉。这些问题食品现已被撤回。

    The council 's own laboratory has been carrying out DNA tests on samples collected by its trading standards officers , and preliminary results show the presence of horse DNA in the school meals , which have been withdrawn .

  2. 这几年,问题食品像走马灯似的,你方唱罢我登场。

    Over the past years , the " problem foods " appeared one after another .

  3. 而问题食品则会被大众所遗弃,提高食品质量是企业盈利的基础。

    The problem of food will be abandoned by the public , improve food quality is the basis of profitability .

  4. 食品安全正日益受到全球的关注,而问题食品所带来的恐慌也往往是全球性的。

    Food safety is an increasing concern throughout the world , and any problem involving food safety often creates a worldwide scare .

  5. 抗议者源于对马英九的心灰意冷,以及对毒奶粉和其它从大陆进口的问题食品的忿满之情。

    The protests have been given momentum by disillusionment with Mr Ma and anger at imports of tainted milk and other food from China .

  6. 除奶粉以外,近来的问题食品还包括让儿童窒息的口香糖,使用致癌添加剂、以便让蛋黄更黄的鸡蛋等。

    As well as the milk powder , recent cases have included chewing gum that choked children and eggs that contained a carcinogenic additive to make the yolks yellower .

  7. 越快、越准确地缩小感染源的范围,为消费者提供的建议就能越准确,撤除问题食品的行动也会更具针对性。

    The faster and the more accurately the source can be narrowed down , the more precise the advice for consumers can be and the more targeted the action to remove the offending food .

  8. 而这两者的动态博弈则揭露出,在明知道监管部门玩忽职守的情况下,食品生产商生产问题食品的可能性会提高,说明一个严格的监管环境是对食品安全的重要保障。

    The dynamic game between them reveals that food producers will probably produce unsafe food if they know regulators are likely out of their duties . It can be concluded that food safety will be enhanced under a stricter regulatory environment .

  9. 许多问题与食品和药物管理局FDA有关。

    A lot of this has to do with the FDA , the Food and Drug Administration .

  10. 而在纽约康奈尔医学中心的研究小组在一次针对26个ADHD儿童孩子的研究中发现,四分之三的孩子在避免食用几种会导致问题的食品后病症得到明显的改善。

    And research among a group of26 kids ( also with ADHD ) at Cornell Medical Center in New York found that three quarters responded well to a diet that eliminated several problem foods .

  11. 化学熏蒸是目前国际上广泛使用的粮食虫害防治方法。这种方法会带来3R问题,食品安全问题以及环境污染等,害虫防治的替代方法成为各国的研究热点。

    Now the most widely used way to control insects in grain is chemical fumigant , which would lead to 3R problems , food insecurity and pollution to environment . Therefore , to develop alternative methods is becoming urgent .

  12. 但是的主要问题是食品营养价值链太低。

    But for many of them , a weak food value chain is the main problem .

  13. 然而,尽管存在着些问题,食品业中新的革命会产生一些有用的影响生活方式的产品。

    Problems aside , though , the new revolution in food could produce some useful lifestyle products .

  14. 其中议程最关注的问题是食品生产,教育,能源,基础设施建设和贸易。

    Among the issues topping the agenda are food production , education , energy , infrastructure , and trade .

  15. 基层质监部门存在的主要问题是食品监管人员数量不足,经费短缺,地方保护主义严重。

    The problems due to the insufficient of food regulators , the shortage of funds , and serious local protectionism .

  16. 政府官员多次谴责农村和小城市的食品商制造有问题的食品,他们中的大部分是违法生产。

    Regulators have blamed many of the food safety problems on rural or small-town food makers , many of whom are operating illegally .

  17. 粮农组织指出,这些国家长期以来一直存在饥饿问题,食品和燃料都严重倚赖进口。

    The U.N. food agency says these countries suffer from chronic hunger and are forced to import much of their food and fuel .

  18. 前言:节能已成为一个突出的问题,食品冻干能耗高,市场应用受到限制。

    Energy-saving becomes an outstanding problem in the international community : the freeze-drying technology consumes high energy and suffers application restrictions in a market .

  19. 食典委面前的另一事项是地理标志的问题以及食品法典与涉及该概念的其它国际协定之间的关系。

    Another issue before the commission is the question of geographical indication and the relationship of Codex to other international agreements covering this concept .

  20. 我们目前的挑战是以清晰、透明的尺度思考这些共同的利益问题&食品安全、经济机遇和环境保护。

    Our challenge is reflect these shared benefits – food security , economic opportunity , and climate protection , in clear and transparent metrics .

  21. 食品安全已经成为全世界所关注的焦点问题,食品质量和食品安全逐渐被人类社会加以关注。

    Food safety has become the focus of social problems , food quality and safety has been gradually be concerned by all of the world .

  22. 化学农药的不合理使用造成了严重的环境问题和食品污染,影响生态平衡,危害人类健康。

    The improper use of chemical pesticides have resulted in serious environmental problems and food pollutions , affected the ecosystem balance and human being health .

  23. 每一起食品安全事件的背后都存在监管滞后或者监管不力的问题,食品安全问题其实是市场失灵和监管失灵的共同结果。

    With food safety incidents behind the lack of supervision of regulatory powers , Food safety is the joint results of market failure and the regulatory failure .

  24. 目前存在的问题是食品安全预警管理责任主体不明确,法制建设滞后以及技术装备手段落后。

    The existing problems is the main responsibility is not clear , the building of the legal system lags behind and the technology and equipment means is backward .

  25. 本文针对泰安市食品企业诚信建设存在的主要问题,食品企业诚信状况进行了调研、分析和研究。

    This paper has investigated and analyzed the main problem of existed in honest construction of Tai ' an food enterprises and the general information of food enterprises .

  26. 另外一些专家表示,俄罗斯的干旱,中东的混乱以及全球冶炼厂能力不足等问题导致食品和石油价格上涨。

    Other experts say drought in places like Russia , turmoil in the Middle East and a global lack of refinery capacity have driven up food and oil prices .

  27. 保质期问题是食品安全中的一个重要方面,而温度对保质期的影响至关重要。对于那些受温度影响较大的食品来说更是如此。

    Shelf-life issue is an important aspect of food safety , and temperature on the impact of shelf-life is essential , especially for the food affected by the temperature greatly .

  28. 食品安全是近年来引起我国政府、社会及理论界广泛关注和热烈讨论的大问题,食品安全法律法规体系的建设问题更是重中之重。

    Food safety is an important question discussed and cared by the government , theory researchers and society masses recently in China , where the rule of law is the most important concern .

  29. 那是个很有趣的问题,食品和药物管理局还不能立刻回答,因为律师们在法庭上像我们说的,试图迫使官方停止这种装置。

    That 's an interesting question , one the FDA can 't answer right now because its lawyers are in court as we speak , trying to enforce its authority over the devices .

  30. 目前亟需解决如下几个问题:食品安全风险分析的法律依据什么、食品安全风险分析的主体是谁、食品安全风险分析怎么进行。

    Therefore we are urgently required to clear the following three issues : what is the legal basis for food safety risk analysis , who will carry out the food safety risk analysis and how to do this .