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wèn ān
  • pay one's respects;wish sb. good health;pay one's respects(usu.to elders);wish one's elders good health
问安 [wèn ān]
  • [pay ones respects(usu.to elders);wish one's elders good health] 向尊长询问安好

问安[wèn ān]
  1. “向你父亲问安吧,”乌苏娜说。

    " Say hello to your father ,"ú rsula told him .

  2. 我保罗亲笔问安。

    The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand .

  3. 你们要用爱心彼此亲嘴问安。

    Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity .

  4. 你们要亲嘴问安,彼此务要圣洁。

    Greet ye one another with an holy kiss .

  5. 我喜欢寄送圣诞卡向亲朋问安。

    Tell me xxx , do you like to send out Christmas cards ?

  6. 记者问安托万.沃克:你为什么要投那么多三分呢?

    A reporter ask Antoine walker : so Antoine , why do you shoot so many threes ?

  7. 若遇见人,不要向他问安。人若向你问安,也不要回答。

    If you meet anyone , do not greet him , and if anyone greets you , do not answer .

  8. 因为你问安的声音,一入我耳,我腹里的胎,就欢喜跳动。

    As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears , the baby in my womb leaped for joy .

  9. 以利沙伯一听马利亚问安,所怀的胎就在腹里跳动,以利沙伯且被圣灵充满。

    When Elizabeth heard mary 's greeting , the baby leaped in her womb , and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy spirit .

  10. 马利亚因这话就很惊慌,又反复思想这样问安是什么意思。

    And when she saw him , she was troubled at his saying , and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be .

  11. 浓浓的情谊与祝福,绵绵的思念与问安,在这美好的日子,愿祝愿随着卡片带给你!新年快乐!

    Thick friendship and blessing , continuous yearning and greeting , in this beautiful day , may wish to you with CARDS ! Happy New Year !

  12. 玛丽安的救命恩人(这是玛格丽特对威洛比言过其实的尊称),第二天一早即来登门问安。

    Marianne 's preserver , as Margaret , with more elegance than precision , styled Willoughby , called at the cottage early the next morning to make his personal enquiries .

  13. 轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝福化作阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。

    Pay one 's respects to gently say to my heart like a blessing into the warmth of the sun , the eternal places to stay in your eyes , mind you .

  14. 随后,达什伍德太太请问他的姓名,他说他姓威洛比,现在住在艾伦汉,希望能赏光,允许他明天来向达什伍德小姐问安。

    Mrs. Dashwood then begged to know to whom she was obliged . His name , he replied , was Willoughby , and his present home was at Allenham , from whence he hoped she would allow him the honour of calling tomorrow to enquire after Miss Dashwood .