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  • peace negotiations
和议 [hé yì]
  • [peace negotiations] 战争双方的和谈会议

和议[hé yì]
  1. 作文包括两种体裁:说明文和议论文。

    The compositions consist of two genres : expository writing and argumentative writing .

  2. 岳飞由于绍兴和议的条约在1142年被处死。

    Yue Fei in particular was executed under the terms of the treaty in 1142 .

  3. 主位结构理论与写作教学&对中国学生英语说明文和议论文的主位分析

    Applying Theme Theory to Writing Instruction & The Theme Analysis of Chinese Students ' English Argumentative and Narrative Essays

  4. 作文教学模式主要从记叙文和议论文两种常用文体为研究对象进行探究。

    Composition teaching mode mainly from the narrative and argumentative two commonly used style as the research object research .

  5. 系统功能语言学与写作教学&对中国学生英语说明文和议论文的功能分析

    Applying Systemic Functional Grammar to Writing Instruction & The Functional Analysis of Chinese Students ' English Argumentative and Narrative Essays

  6. 宋高宗与1141年签署了绍兴和议,这个和议让出了由岳飞费尽心力重新收复的大部分领土。

    Emperor Gaozong signed the Treaty of Shaoxing in 1141 , which conceded most of the territory regained through the efforts of Yue Fei .

  7. 同时调整明对蒙古的政策,达成了隆庆和议与俺答封贡。

    At the same time , adjusting the policy of Mongolia , to reach a " longqing peaceful resolution ," and " Altan Tribute " .

  8. 在金军的强大压力面前,南宋与金签订了隆兴和议。

    In front of the golden armed forces ' formidable pressure , the Southern Song Dynasty and the gold signed " Longxing to conduct peace talks " .

  9. 今天从中华民族大融洽的宏观角度来看,南宋与金王朝和议是正确的,有利于社会稳定和生产发展。

    From the macroscopic perspective today , the indeed , right , for , it would benefit both parties in terms of social stability and economic development .

  10. 绍兴和议导致了南宋苟安局面的形成,也促使了南宋悲观失望情绪的产生。

    The treaty of Shaoxing led to the supine situation form , has prompted the pessimistic emotion . Make suggestions is the main tone in this period .

  11. 中国古代咏史诗可以归纳为感史诗、述史诗和议史诗这三种主要类型,各自有其不同的历史阐释方式。

    Ancient Chinese poems on history can be classified into poems exclaiming history , poems narrating history and poems commenting history , each with different historical interpretation way .

  12. 朱弁、洪皓等人克服艰苦的生活条件,通过各种方式力劝和议,传播中原文化。

    Zhu Bian , Hong Hao et al . overcame the difficult living conditions , exhorted the peace talk in each way , and disseminated the Yellow River culture .

  13. 但和议的行止成败实取决于中、朝与日本各种政治势力的消长。

    But actually , the success or failure of peace talks depended on the growths or declines of different political forces among the state of Ming , Korea and Japan .

  14. 而在同时,英语课本(人教版)主要属于三种体裁,即:记叙文,说明文和议论文。

    At the same time , Senior English for China student Textbooks ( published by People Education Press ) mainly belong to three Genres : narration , exposition and argumentation .

  15. 吾人将有一项信念,即在订立和议之时,美国以及其他英勇之盟友,将不致为一时种种权宜理由所迷惑。

    We shall have faith that , at the writing of peace , American and our other gallant allies will not be obtunded by the mirage of contingent reasons of expediency .

  16. 但是在面对国匮兵乏战局僵持的困难时,石星转而主张通过和议来解决朝鲜问题,并取得了一定的成效。

    But in the face of difficulties of treasury shortage and insufficient troops , Shi Xing proposed to resolve the North Korea issue in another method , and achieved some results .

  17. 辽朝带有和议目的的南征,成为澶渊之盟最终能达成的重要因素。

    The Liao dynasty tape has the south of " peace negotiations " purpose to advertise for , becoming " the alliance of Chan Yuan " finally can reach of important factor .

  18. 庆历和议的签订,虽然暂时结束了战争,但并没有结束宋夏之间的矛盾,战争的再次爆发只是时间问题。

    However , there were still some drawbacks and deficiencies . Though the agreement ended the war temporarily , it did not end the conflict between Song and Xia , another war is just a time problem .

  19. 1883&1885年中法战争期间英国的数度调停,目的在于独立操纵中法和议,以维护英国在华优势地位及列强共同侵华的统治秩序。

    British Mediation for several times in Sino-French War from 1883 to 1885 was done with the intention to solely control Sino-French negotiation , to maintain its advantageous position in China and the order co-controled by some imperialists .

  20. 直至公元1004年,北宋真宗与辽国在澶州定下了停战和议,约定真宗称辽萧太后为母,宋辽为兄弟之邦,北宋每年向辽交纳“岁币”和丝绸,双方互不侵犯。

    Till to the year of 1004 , a peace pact was concluded in Chanzhou , under which the Liao obtained a bountiful annual gift of silver and silk from the Northern Song , while Emperor Zhenzong had to admit Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao aunt and take Shengzong of Liao as his brother .