
  1. 用英语和自己对话唱歌

    Talk and sing to yourself in English

  2. 许多人都心里和自己对话的方式似乎都是他们将绝不会被一个陌生人,朋友或所爱的人接受。

    Many people talk to themselves in a way they would never accept from a stranger , friend , or loved one .

  3. 提前计划,每次吃饭前和自己对话打算吃什么。

    Plan ahead , have a conversation with yourself about what you 're going to eat , or not eat , before each meal .

  4. 写东西是一种和自己灵魂对话的表达方式。

    Writing is a way through which you can talk with your deep soul .

  5. 在这本最私人的笔记本中,我和自己展开对话。

    Here , in this most private notebook , is where I talk to myself .

  6. 就算是最简单的肢体接触也会使自己和自己的身体对话,而且让自己和他人的能量体相接触。

    Even simple forms of touch connect us not just to our bodies but also to the energetic presence of other people .

  7. 第一,思考作为我和我自己的内在对话,使我生活在我自己的在场之中,由此引起了一个自觉的意识&良心。

    First , thinking , as the internal dialogue between me and myself , makes me live in my own presence , thus giving rise to a self-consciousness that is tantamount to conscience .