
chuǎng guān dōng
  • brave the journey to the Northeast(to eke out an existence in the old society);brave the journey to Northeast
闯关东 [chuǎng guān dōng]
  • [brave the journey to the Northeast(to ekeout an existence in the old society)] 旧时穷人到山海关以东一带闯荡为生

  • 拉家带口闯关东

闯关东[chuǎng guān dōng]
  1. 闯关东:近代山东移民与武术的传播

    " Rush to Northeast ": The Modern Shandong Migration and the Spread of Martial Arts

  2. 再论20世纪20年代华北人民闯关东狂潮之成因20世纪20年代中国的合作主义思潮论析

    A Study on the causes that the People of the North China Emigrated to the Northeast in 1920s

  3. 《闯关东》主题曲《家园》艺术魅力探析

    The Study of the Art Fascination of the Theme Song " Home " of TV Drama " Pass Through the East "

  4. 对关于闯关东移民问题,武术传播问题以及移民与武术传播问题的国内研究现状进行了归类和分析。

    And then , present situation of migration issue & rush to northeast , martial arts transmission and relations between migration and transmission are analyzed and categorized .

  5. 1931年爆发的九·一八事变,给民国以来关内人民的闯关东运动带来了深刻影响。

    The September 18th Incident had profound influence on the movement of " Braving the journey to the Northeast " since the beginning of the Republic of China .

  6. 沿着黄河与长江的源头,漂流而下,过壶口,闯关东,走三峡,奔大海。

    Along the Yellow River and Yangtze River 's source , rafting down , over Hukou into being the East , take the Three Gorges , Ben the sea .

  7. 虽然小说《苦难的年代》和《闯关东》这两部作品都属于迁徙小说,但是两部作品所表达出来的情绪却是截然不同的。

    Although both of the " Bitter and hard times " and " Goes to the East of China " are migratory novel , but expressed in two works of the mood is different .

  8. 对古村落景观的改造和设计主要包括以下几个方面:街巷空间改造设计、青云溪河道景观改造、闯关东文化广场设计、民俗展馆改造设计。

    The transformation of the ancient village landscape design includes the following aspects : the transformation of street space design , landscape transformation the Albatron River Road , pass through the East Cultural Square Design , Folk Hall renovation design .

  9. 清代至民国,闯关东移民大批进入东北,致使东北地区的社会风俗&无论是人生习俗、生活习俗,还是岁时民俗或信仰习俗都发生了深刻的变化。

    Large quantities of immigrants braved the journey to the Northeast from Qing Dynasty to the period of the Republic of China , which resulted in great changes in life , beliefs , customs , especially the New Year 's customs .