
  • 网络Jixi City
  1. 基于GIS的鸡西市地下水脆弱性评价

    Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of Jixi City Based on GIS

  2. 通过对鸡西市1996~2000年环境空气监测结果的分析,其空气中的TSP和降尘污染较重,环境空气污染呈现典型的煤烟型污染。

    We analysed environmental air monitoring data of JiXi city from 1996 to 2000 and found TSP and dust pollution were serious , air pollution in JiXi is typical smoke pollution .

  3. 鸡西市煤炭开采的若干技术问题与治理

    Some Technical and Control Problems in Coal Mining in Jixi City

  4. 鸡西市医疗卫生机构医疗废物现状及对策

    Status and countermeasure of medical waste management of Jixi medical institution

  5. 鸡西市居住小区公共绿地规划布置的研究

    Study on the Public Greenbelt Planning-layout of Residential District in Jixi City

  6. 鸡西市国际生态旅游城市建设问题研究

    The Construction of Jixi as an International Ecological Tourist City

  7. 鸡西市产业结构分析及调整

    The Industrial Structural Analysis and Adjustment direction of Jixi City

  8. 鸡西市环境空气质量状况和变化趋势的分析

    Environmental Air Quality and Its Changing Tendency in JiXi City

  9. 鸡西市发展非煤产业的对策研究

    The Policy Research on the Development of Non-coal Industries in Jixi City

  10. 鸡西市预算外资金规范化管理对策研究

    Research of Standardized Management of the Extra-Budgetary Funds in Jixi

  11. 鸡西市环境卫生生态科技园区规划构想

    Plan Idea of Jixi Environmental Sanitation Ecological Science Park

  12. 鸡西市居住区规划的研究

    Study on Planning of Residential District in Jixi Urban

  13. 鸡西市选煤厂重介工艺系统扩产改造

    Enlarging production reform on dense medium separation process at Jixi Coal Preparation Plant

  14. 鸡西市区域经济发展情况的调查与思考

    Survey and Ponder over the Developing Situation of Ji Xi City 's Regional Economy

  15. 鸡西市地表水资源量计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of surface water resources quantity

  16. 鸡西市的噪声污染与城市规划

    Noise Pollution in Jixi City and City Plan

  17. 鸡西市地下水资源评价与水资源可持续利用研究

    Research on Evaluation of Groundwater Resources and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Jixi City

  18. 欠发达地区发展现代农业对农村金融的影响及对策&以鸡西市为例

    Impact of Modern Agriculture in Underdeveloped Areas on Rural Finance and Countermeasures to be taken

  19. 鸡西市城区地下水资源评价

    Groundwater Resources Evaluation on Jixi Urban Area

  20. 目的:探讨鸡西市医疗废物管理现状。

    Objective : To investigate the status of medical waste management of Jixi medical departments .

  21. 鸡西市梨树橡胶坝工程对两岸防洪影响分析

    Analysis on Lishu rubber dam project in Jixi City to the influences of its flood control

  22. 2004年-2008年鸡西市一所小学学生营养状况追踪调查分析

    Analysis and tracking survey on Nutritional Status of a primary school student in Jixi during 2004-2008

  23. 鸡西市是以煤生产为主的新兴工业城市,年产原煤近3000万吨,是我国重要的煤炭生产基地。

    Jixi is a new coal industrial city with the production of 30 million ton coals per year .

  24. 依据鸡西市环境质量状况,对存在的环境问题提出防治对策。

    In terms of the environmental quality situation in Jixi City , the prevention and cure countermeasure are made .

  25. 本文以鸡西市为例,探讨了我国区域经济产业结构调整问题。

    Taking Jixi city as an example , the paper discussed problems of adjusting the industrial structure of regional economy .

  26. 试谈黑龙江老煤炭工业基地煤竭城衰的重振方略&关于鸡西市西部区煤竭城衰的情况调查

    Rejuvenation strategies of coal exhaustion and urban declination in the western area of the old coal industrial base in Jixi

  27. 黑龙江省鸡西市滴道区坐落于黑龙江省的东南部,包含两个乡镇。

    Heilongjiang province Jixi city district is located in the southeast of Heilongjiang Province , including two villages and towns .

  28. 实践证明,鸡西市国有企业的改革是有效的,但也出现了一些值得注意的问题。

    Practice has proved the reform of the state-owned enterprise of Jixi is effectual , but some noteworthy questions have appeared .

  29. 关于净化鸡西市未成年人成长环境的对策未成年人健康成长的测量指标与变项分析

    Actual Countermeasures to Purify Minors ' Growth Environment in Jixi city An Analysis of the Indexes and Variables of Minors ' Health and Growth

  30. 第三部分,研究了鸡西市农村剩余劳动力转移过程中存在的主要问题及制约因素。

    The third part is to focus on the main problems and restricting factors in the process of the transfer of rural surplus labor .