
  • 网络vacant land
  1. 强化处置闲置地

    On the idle land Treating Wastewater

  2. 闲置地本质上是二元土地制度的产物,也是投机因素作祟的结果。

    The dualistic land system and the speculative factors are the basic causes of the idle land .

  3. 在文献梳理和实地调研的基础上,论文确定农村居民点中的废弃地、闲置地、空闲地以及低效利用的建设用地是农村居民点潜力的主要构成来源。

    And , based on literature combing and empirical research , this article confirmed that the abandoned land , waste land , superfluous land , and construction land with low efficiency , are the most origin of the potential in rural residential area .

  4. 强化闲置地的处置须从改革土地制度、规范地方政府行为、无偿收回闲置地、健全政策法规等多方面努力。

    For strengthening the power in the corse of handling the idle land problems , we must reform the land system , control the local governments ′ acts , confiscate the idle land and perfect the relevant policies and regulations , and so on .

  5. 通过实地调查,基于SWOT分析得出岳阳市君山区闲置宅基地利用战略。

    Analysis the strategy of idle residential land usages in Junshan area Yueyang city based on-the-spot investigation and SWOT . 5 .

  6. 提出用土地利用集约度来界定隐性闲置农用地,并构建了农用地节约集约利用评价指标体系和认定方法。

    Propose that we can define the hidden idle agricultural land by intensity of land use , and build indicator system for agricultural land and identification .

  7. 主要结果和结论如下:1.农村闲置宅基地是指宅基地及宅基地上的附属物空置,废弃和荒废的现象。

    Main results and conclusions are as follows : 1 . Rural idle residential land defines as the phenomenon that the residential land and their attachments are vacated , abandoned and neglected .

  8. 复垦农村闲置废弃宅基地,探索作物新的栽培种植模式,对于合理利用土地资源,促进社会主义新农村建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Reclaiming and cultivating rural wasteland as well as researching new crop cultivating pattern would have theoretical and real important meaning in properly utilizing land resource and establishing new socialist countryside .

  9. 此时,以农用地为对象的农村土地整理工程和以农村闲置建设用地为对象的土地复垦工程应运而生。

    At this point , the rural land consolidation projects which look the agricultural land as the object and the rural land reclamation engineering which looks the idle land for construction purposes came into being .

  10. 笔者以玉米、大豆为材料,采用裸地、薄膜覆盖、秸杆覆盖和玉米间作大豆等不同的耕种方式,探讨了农村闲置废弃宅基地复垦种植模式。

    In this paper , the reclaiming and cultivating corn 's patterns of rural idled and disused subsistence homestead land were studied by the treatments of bare land , polythene mulch , straw mulch and cultivating corn intercropped with soybean .

  11. 从闲置原因、宅基地取得是否合法、地上是否有建筑物、闲置时间及利用程度五个角度定性的进行了闲置宅基地分类。

    Obtained from idle reasons , homestead obtain whether legitimate , if there are buildings on the ground , idle time , and using extent five point to qualitative classification of idle land .