
zhá liú guǎn
  • thyratron;gastriode;gas relay;gas control tube
闸流管[zhá liú guǎn]
  1. 小型高可靠三级晶体闸流管的研制

    Study on the Manufacture of Small Size of High Reliable Thyratron

  2. 用高压硅整流器代替闸流管的高频感应加热装置

    Replacement of Thyratron by High-Voltage Silicon Rectifier for High-Frequence Power Source

  3. 本文提出了用GTO(可关断闸流管)组成的PWM(正弦输入脉宽调制)控制式单相变流器新方案。

    In this paper , a new single-phase PWM GTO Converter is presented .

  4. 闸流管氢发生器电压对CuBr激光功率的影响

    The Influence of Thyratron Reservoir Voltage on CuBr Laser Power

  5. 发射激光脉冲用的高速pnpn闸流管的设计与制造

    Design and Manufacture of High Speed pnpn Thyristor for Laser Emitting Pulse

  6. 用IGBT(绝缘栅双极性晶体管)和功率MOSFET(金属氧化物半导体场效应管)等固态功率开关器件代替氘闸流管开关是脉冲调制器技术的最新发展方向。

    The recent development of pulse modulator is to use solid-state switches such as IGBT ( Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ) and power MOSFET ( Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor ) etc. as substitute for hydrogen thyratrons .

  7. 实验测出闸流管触发的抖动为±4ns,对应系统的输出幅度起伏10~20%。

    The jitter of the thyratrons was + 4ns , which induced an output amplitude fluctuation of 10 % - 20 % .

  8. 铜蒸汽激光器双闸流管触发系统的研究

    The Study of A Double Thyratron Pulse Modulator Used in CVL

  9. 然后半导体闸流管逆时针转动区域被激活。

    The thyristors for the anti-clockwise rotating field are then fired .

  10. 晶体闸流管串联半桥逆变器的恒功率特性控制

    Constant power controlling method with half-bridge inverter of thyristors in series connection

  11. 电源部分配置有绝缘的半导体闸流管模组。

    The power section is constructed of isolated thyristor modules .

  12. 一种可防止闸流管连通的卤化铜激光开关电源

    A power supply of copper halide laser preventing thyratron from conducting continuously

  13. 本文介绍高速硅闸流管简要原理及制造方法。

    A introduction the principle and manufacture methods of high speed silicon thyristor .

  14. 用两个闸流管并联进行交替触发,总输入电功率达7.8kW。

    The overall input electrical power of 7 . 8 kW is achieved .

  15. 晶体闸流管逆变式弧焊电源单片机的控制系统

    Single-chip microcomputer control system for thyratron reversed power source

  16. 引信起爆电路用闸流管的检测方法

    The Sieving Methord of Thyratron for Fuze Detonating Circuits

  17. 氢闸流管放电猝熄实验现象

    Experimental phenomena of the quenching of hydrogen thyratron discharges

  18. 稳定可靠的闸流管触发开关电路的研究

    The Research for a Thyratron Trigger Switch Circuit with Stable and Dependable Property

  19. GB/T3213-1994闸流管与充气整流管测试方法

    Methods of measurement for thyratrons and gas-filled rectifier tubes

  20. 双栅极氢闸流管高压快脉冲源研究

    Double-grid hydrogen thyratron high-voltage fast pulse generator study

  21. 本文报导由冷阴极闸流管产生高压脉冲的激光脉冲削波器。

    A laser pulse slicer with a cryotron high voltage pulse generator is reported .

  22. 触发电路产生一定和宽度的脉冲信号,控制闸流管的导通。

    Trigger circuit have a certain width and pulse signals , control thyristor conduction .

  23. 氢闸流管触发的紫外氮分子激光器

    UV nitrogen laser using hydrogen thyratron as switch

  24. 晶闸管一词源于其气体管等价物&闸流管。

    The term " thyristor " came from its gas tube equivalent , thyratron .

  25. 没有分压栅的100千伏氢闸流管

    100 KV Hydrogen Thyratron Without Gradient Grids

  26. 冷阴极闸流管激光脉冲削波器

    A laser pulse slicer with cryotron

  27. 用双闸流管运行的高功率铜蒸气激光器电源的研究

    Investigation of a Pulsed Power Supply with Two Thyratrons for the High Power Copper Vapor Laser

  28. 一种安装在仪器室内的压阻法恒流源线路&闸流管恒流源线路

    A constant current source & thyratron constant current used for THF method of pressure resistance in laboratory

  29. 反向阻挡四极晶体闸流管

    Reverse blocking tetrode thyristor

  30. 反向阻断二极晶体闸流管

    Reverse blocking diode thyristor