
  1. 希望更多了解此类袭击的人士可以阅读美国政府提供的报告、纳特•维伦纽夫(NartVilleneuve)的博客以及有关间谍网络幽灵网(GhostNet)的报导。

    People wanting to learn more about these kinds of attacks can read this U.S. government report ( PDF ) , Nart Villeneuve 's blog and this presentation on the GhostNet spying incident .

  2. 我很幸运,在阅读美国儿童写给总统和我的来信时,使我联想到了这种经历。

    I am lucky enough to be reminded of those experiences when I read letters the children of America send to the President and me .

  3. 阅读美国总统在告别演说中对宪法的论述,不难得出“大国尤需宪法”的重要启示。

    When reading the American presidents expositions of Constitution in their campaign speeches , we can easily attain an important apocalypse that powerful countries also need Constitution .

  4. 我们已经有未成年儿童的阅读和美国法规禁止它。

    We have underaged children reading there and US regulations prohibit it .

  5. 不仅仅是在北京的中国研究院阅读在美国的华裔写的论文。

    It is not just that a Chinese boffin in Beijing reads papers written by Chinese boffins in America .

  6. 亚马逊凭借CEO杰夫•贝索斯上月发布的4款电子阅读设备在美国引起了巨大的轰动(其中就包括199美元的安卓平板KindleFire)。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) made a splash last month when CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled four new e-reader models , including the Kindle Fire , a $ 199 Android-based reading tablet .

  7. 如果是家上市公司,可以阅读它向美国证券交易委员会提交的10-K文件,这类文件总结了上市公司的业绩。

    If it 's a public company , review its10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission & documents that summarize a public company 's performance .

  8. 8500型条码阅读系统是美国MRC公司生产的8000系列产品之一,80年代初应用于美国通用汽车公司FLINT发动机厂的自动试车线上。

    A model 8500 bar code reading system is one of the 8000 series products produced by the MRC Co. in U. S. A , it was adopted on an automatic engine testing line in FLINT Engine Plant of General Motors in early of 1980s .

  9. 当你在阅读,看美国电影和美剧以及和在你的国家生活的美国人交谈过程中,你也许会对在美国生活有一些概念和想法。

    From your reading , from American films and TV and from talking with Americans in your country , you have probably formed some idea of life in the United States .

  10. 本文通过对德莱塞自传体小说《天才》的阅读,探讨美国19-20世纪之交作家的自我塑型过程。

    Re-reading Theodore Dreiser 's autobiographical novel " The Genius ," this essay attempts to address the problems of the literary self-fashioning of American authors at the turn of the 20th century .

  11. 认真阅读这部美国作品将会引导读者重新思索一些有关人类社会、人文价值观等方面的重大课题,在当代仍具有一定的教育启迪意义。

    Reading this American novel carefully can guide the readers to reconsider some major topics about society and humanistic values , so it is still of certain instructive and educational value in modern times .

  12. 阅读他最近向美国经济学会(AmericanEconomicAssociation)发表的演讲时,我起初怀疑这是场恶作剧。他在演讲中为美联储在住宅泡沫期间的行动进行了辩护。

    On reading his recent speech to the American Economic Association , in which he defended the Fed 's actions during the housing bubble , I initially suspected it was a practical joke .

  13. 据报道,中国高中生的课外阅读量仅仅是美国学生的三分之一。

    It is reported that the amount of after-class reading of a Chinese senior student is only one third of that of an American student .

  14. 这些天来,是很常见的阅读预测预测,美国经济将增长3%,在未来一年的年增长率。

    These days , it is common to read forecasts predicting that the US economy will grow at a3 % annual rate in the coming year .

  15. 兴趣广泛,酷爱阅读,喜欢看美国电影,唱英文歌,会弹古筝(获得八级证书)。

    Wide range of interests , and fond of reading , like to watch American movies , English songs , play the zither ( get eight certificate ) .

  16. 尽管我曾经教过语法(开始是语法老师),阅读,对话,美国文化,金融英语和写作,但是我最近主要在教写作。

    Although I have taught grammar ( starting out as a grammar teacher ), reading , conversation , American culture , business English , and writing , most of my recent experience is in writing .

  17. 第三部分是对美国《指南》的详细的介绍,通过阅读读者可以了解美国在该领域的执法目标,一般原则和先进的分析方法。

    The third part is the US " Guidelines " in detail , readers can learn about by reading the United States in the field of law enforcement objectives , general principles and advanced methods of analysis .