
Yán Xīshān
  • Shanxi warlord in the Republican Period
  1. 不久,他孤身一人在农村里,阎锡山的县官都跑光了。

    He soon found himself alone and deserted in the countryside .

  2. 阎锡山的土地村公有

    Yan Xishan 's Scheme of " Land Owned by Village "

  3. 对阎锡山的地方主义的评价亦应如此。

    This equally applies to the appraisal of Yan Xishan 's localism .

  4. 阎锡山与山西义务教育的兴办及其发展

    Yan xi-shan and the Initiation and Development of Compulsory Education in Shanxi Province

  5. 阎锡山与美国关系研究(1945年8月&1949年4月)

    The Study of Relations between Yan Xishan and America ( August 1945-April 1949 )

  6. 地方主义与阎锡山治晋

    Localism and Yan Xishan 's Governing Shanxi Province

  7. 《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移论阎锡山的中的哲学思想在抗战时期的体现

    YAN Xi-shan 's Philosophical Thought of Neutrality During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  8. 太原失陷后阎锡山的抗战态度初探

    Yan Xishan 's Attitude towards the Anti - Japan War after the Fall of Taiyuan

  9. 清朝被推翻后,山西被军阀阎锡山占领。

    After the overthrow of the Qing dynasty , Shanxi was held by warlord Yan Xishan .

  10. 一路是阎锡山,我们就手打了个上党战役。

    One column was led by Yan xishan , and against it we fought the Shangdang campaign .

  11. 在那样的情况下,把阎锡山的进攻部队完全消灭可不容易啊。

    Under those circumstances it was not easy to annihilate all of Yan xishan 's attacking troops .

  12. 它们相互影响,互为基础,帮助阎锡山成就用民事业。

    They influence each other , help each other foundation , with people achievement Yan Xishan career .

  13. 在那个脚盆里,有鱼有肉,阎锡山派了十三个师去抢。

    This tub contains fish and meat , and Yen Hsi-shan sent thirteen divisions to grab it .

  14. 阎锡山十五个旅,内有九个旅被歼灭和受歼灭性打击。

    And Yen Hsi-shan has 15 brigades , of which 9 have been wiped out or received crushing blows .

  15. 阎锡山与民初山西乡村制度的变革

    Yan Xishan and the Rural System Reform in Shanxi Province during the Early Years of the Republic of China

  16. 此后不久,军阀阎锡山操纵的地主武装“还乡团”在太岳山区的活动日渐猖獗。

    Shortly after this , the Revenge Corps of Warlord Yen Hsi-shan 's army grew increasingly active in the Taiyueh Mountains .

  17. 本文认为,阎锡山通过整顿货币发行市场,从而营造出一个良性的经济成长环境。

    This paper thinks that , Yan Xishan released by rectifying the money market , soas to create a benign economic environment .

  18. 正文第一部分为阎锡山与美国关系的起步,即试探性接触阶段。

    First , the thesis expounds the start of the relations between Yan Xishan and America : the phase of trial engagement .

  19. 在这种情况下,阎锡山为了维护其割据统治,不得不想办法壮大自己的实力。

    In this case , in order to maintain the rule of feudal separatism , Yan Xishan had to think of ways to strengthen his power .

  20. 与此同时,山西军阀阎锡山手下的三个师长在太原城下不战而降。

    Simultaneously , far to the west , three division commanders of Yen Hsi-shan surrendered outside of Taiyuan , the capital of Shansi Province , without fighting .

  21. 在那样的情况下,把阎锡山的进攻部队完全消灭可不容易啊,应该说是超额完成了任务。

    Under those circumstances it was not easy to annihilate all of Yan xishan 's attacking troops . I should say we did more than was expected of us .

  22. 最近阎锡山在重庆报道他如何被攻,而他则仅取“守势”,说了种种谎话。

    In Chungking recently , yen Hsi-shan told all sorts of lies about how he had been attacked and how he had merely been " on the defensive " .

  23. 辛亥革命后,他一面辅助阎锡山与北洋军阀进行周旋,一面暗中与南方革命党人积极联络,主张共和。

    After the Revolution on the one hand to help deal with Yan and the Northern warlords , the south side of the revolutionaries secretly active liaison with advocates republicanism .

  24. 在各种社会环境的刺激之下,阎锡山想到了发展军火工业,自造武器弹药来壮大自己的军事实力。

    In a variety of stimulating social environment Yan Xishan came up with the thought of developing arms industry and by self-made arms and ammunition to strengthen his military power .

  25. “晋钞”,系阎锡山控制下的山西省银行等金融组织发行的各种纸币的统称。

    Jin-notes were composed of several kinds of paper money , which had been issued by the Bank of Shanxi province and other financial organizations under the control of YAN Xi-Shan .

  26. 第六章是结论部分,通过以上所述,得出阎锡山用民思想的实施推动了山西经济、社会的发展。

    Chapter 6 is the conclusion , through the above mentioned , with people that the implementation of the Yan Xishan who promoted the thoughts of Shanxi economic and social development .

  27. 同时,本文也采用比较分析的方法,对阎锡山的军事成就及其最后的失败辩证进行看待,从中分析阎锡山军事方面积极的经验和失败的教训。

    The same time , the comparative analysis , Yan Xi-shan of the military achievements of the last failure of dialectical view , to analyze the positive experience of Yan Xi-shan military and failures .

  28. 其中,保境安民是阎锡山用民实现的必要前提;用民政治是实施方略;村本政治则为政治基石。

    Among them , protect the territory is run by people , Yan Xishan who realize the necessary premise ; With people politics is implementing strategy ; The village is the political for political foundation .

  29. 蒋介石对张学良的拉拢,基本上达到了战胜冯玉祥、阎锡山、李宗仁各派,强化对东北集团渗透和控制的目的。

    CHIANG Kai shek 's cottoning to ZHANG Xue liang helped CHIANG to strengthen his penetration into and control of the northeast group and defeat YAN Xi shan , FENG Yu xiang and Guangxi fractions .

  30. 一切服从统一战线,如果解释为一切服从蒋介石和阎锡山,那也是错误的。

    If " everything must be submitted to the united front " is interpreted as " everything must be submitted to " Chiang Kai-shek and Yen Hsi-shan , then that slogan , too , is wrong .