
  • 网络well region
  1. 离子阱区的压力是通过建立区域气体流动模型计算得到。

    Pressure in the ion trap is evaluated by establishing gas flow model .

  2. 阱区介质厚度与束缚态半峰宽呈阶梯形状降低,而阱区介质厚度与束缚态品质因子呈阶梯形状升高。

    The half width of transmission peak is steppedly reduced and the Q-factor on the confined state is steppedly increased with the increasing of the dielectric thickness in well .

  3. 采用计算穿越任意势之透射系数的数值计算方法,得到了在双势垒阱区中有正电杂质时电子隧穿的共振能级、波函数、透射系数。

    A numerical method for calculating transmission of an electron penetrating arbitrary potential barriers is adopted to obtain the resonance energy levels , wave functions and transmission coefficient when a donor atom is in the well of a double barrier structure .

  4. 3对LED器件多量子阱有源区载流子输运与复合跃迁的分析。

    The carrier transportation and transition in LED active layer had been analyzed .

  5. 量子阱LD有源区量子阱数目的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Quantum Wells Number in Active Cavity of Quantum Well LD

  6. 在离子阱强激发区制备薛定谔猫态的方案

    Scheme for Preparing Schrodinger Cat States in the Strong Excitation Regime of the Ion Trap

  7. InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb长波长多量子阱激光器有源区的优化设计

    Optimal design of the active regions for InGaAsSb / AlGaAsSb long wavelength multi quantum well lasers

  8. 较强氧化区次之;在离子阱强激发区制备薛定谔猫态的方案

    This showed that the weaker oxidation region of the area is suitable for Echinoderm and Polychaeta growth . Scheme for Preparing Schrodinger Cat States in the Strong Excitation Regime of the Ion Trap

  9. 使用InGaN/GaN多量子阱作为有效吸收区的p-i-n型太阳电池是Ⅲ族氮化物基太阳电池的研究方向之一。

    P-i-n solar cells with InGaN / GaN multiple quantum wells ( MQWs ) as effective absorption region is a major research topic of III-Nitride based solar cells .

  10. P-阱、沟道区离子注入分布特性的测试分析与计算机模拟

    The measurements and computer simulation of ion-implantation distribution in p - well and channel region

  11. 本文报道了以混合应变量子阱结构为有源区的激光器。

    The dual polarization dual wavelength lasers with active layer of mixed strained layer quantum well are reported in this paper .

  12. 对真空冷阱中处于滑流区的气体换热,应考虑温度跳跃和速度滑移对换热的影响。

    The effects of the temperature jump and the velocity slip on the heat transfer for the slip-flow regime in the cold trap of the freeze dryer are considered .

  13. 同时,通过实验检测到的稳定囚禁离子的工作点范围与磁场强度的关系,在一定程度上验证了联合阱囚禁离子稳定区随磁场强度的变化趋势。

    The variation of the operating region of the combined trap with the magnetic field have also been found experimentally via rf detection and verified the calculated results to some extent .