
fánɡ wèi ɡuò dànɡ
  • Overdefense;excessive self-defence;excessive defence;improper (or excessive) use of force in self-defence
  1. 有关防卫过当的问题,自其出现以来,一直受到关注。

    Unjustifiable defense - related problem has been concerned since it emergences .

  2. 防卫过当与正当防卫关系之重构

    On the Relation of Unjustifiable Defense to Justifiable Defense

  3. 双重错误的假想防卫过当阻却故意,单一错误的不阻却故意。

    The single-error excessive imaginary defense is intentional , but the double-error is not .

  4. 防卫过当的罪过形式是防卫过当制度争议最大的问题,存在诸多观点和学说。

    The Subjective is the most argument issue of Unjustifiable Self-defense , has many viewpoints .

  5. 本文正是从这一基点出发,论证防卫过当之认定。

    It is from this basis points to study the argument about identifying excessive defense .

  6. 防卫过当罪过形式探析

    Analyses on the forms of unjustifiable self-defense

  7. 防卫过当的程度要件是区分正当防卫与防卫过当的关键所在。

    The degree element of Unjustifiable Self-defense is the key to distinguish it from Justifiable Self-defense .

  8. 防卫过当犯罪构成的特殊性

    Criminal Constitutional Particularity of Unjustifiable Self-defense

  9. 防卫过当概念探微

    On the Concept of Over-defense

  10. 研究防卫过当的主观罪过形式实属重要。

    It is very important and necessary to study the circumstance of the subjective crime of excessive defense .

  11. 司法实践中,应该对防卫过当主观罪过的形式做出准确界定,区分此罪与彼罪。

    In judicial practice , should be on the subjective culpability form made precisely defined , distinction between this crime and other crime .

  12. 不仅理论界对此存在分歧,各国刑法对防卫过当的定罪与量刑也有巨大差异。

    However , the differences between the theory and the criminal law on the defense when the conviction and sentencing of huge differences .

  13. 防卫过当的罪过形式不仅包括间接故意、过于自信的过失和疏忽大意的过失,也不能排除直接故意。

    Forms of sin not only include indirect intention , fault resulted from overconfidence and fault caused by negligence , but also direct intention as well .

  14. 防卫过当既可以构成犯罪,也可以是一般违法行为,还可以成立意外事件,其主观上可以欠缺过错;

    Over-defense can either constitute a crime , or can be a general act against the law , or can be an unexpected incident without subjective faults .

  15. 国内虽借鉴了一些国外防卫过当的立法例,然而国内外对防卫过当的规定仍有许多不同之处。

    Although our country draws on a number of foreign instances of legislation of unjustifiable defense , the requirements of unjustifiable defense are many differences between home and abroad .

  16. 防卫过当行为的正当性因理解为合理性,它可以包括合法性,但不必然是合法性的行为。

    At the same time , pointed out that the over-defense behaviors " legitimacy " for understanding " rationality ", which can include legality , but not necessarily the legitimacy act .

  17. 防卫过当行为中,合理的防卫意思依然会产生违法的结果,因为其主导的防卫行为及结果是过当的,侵害了合法权益。

    Over-defense behaviors , rational defense of meaning will still produce illegal results , because of its dominant defensive behaviors and the result is excessive , infringe upon the lawful rights and interests .

  18. 相比国外刑法,我国刑法并未规定事实错误问题,应增加对事实错误处理的规定,为假想防卫过当的减免处罚提供法律依据。

    Compared to foreign Criminal Law , our Criminal Code is lack of error of fact . It is necessary to add error of fact , to provide a legal basis for the punishment of excessive imaginary defense .

  19. 防卫过当是正当防卫制度的一个重要问题,也是同正当防卫的成立条件密切相关的问题,关系到防卫行为是合法的正当防卫还是违法的危害社会行为的问题。

    Excessive Defense is an important issue of self-defense system is also closely related with the establishment of conditions of self-defense problem and it is related to defensive behavior whether it is a legitimate self-defense or an offense endangering social behavior .

  20. 而本文认为,防卫过当事件可分为三个过程:不法侵害行为的认识、防卫行为的产生、过当结果的产生,此过程中,防卫意思产生的前提是对不法侵害行为的认知。

    And the article thinks , the defense when events can be divided into three processes : unlawful infringement , the understanding of defensive behavior generation , when the outcome , in this process , the defense meaning is predicated on the understanding of unlawful infringement .

  21. 因而,正确解决防卫过当问题,会有利于罪与非罪的界限的划分,打击犯罪分子,保护公共利益和公民的合法权益,维护和巩固社会主义法制。正当防卫是刑法中的一项重要制度。

    Thus , the correct solution about excessive defense will be conducive to determine whether it is a criminal or un-criminal , crack down on criminals , protect the legitimate rights and interests of the public interest and citizens , to maintain and consolidate the socialist legal system .

  22. 具有误认性、防卫性、过当性、损害性等四个特征,包括故意、过失和意外三种假想防卫过当类型。

    It has four features such as mistake , defense , excessive and damage .

  23. 我国新刑法在规定正当防卫和防卫过当的同时,又增加了对严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪可实行无限防卫。

    The new Criminal Law stipulates the legitimate defense and over defense and also adds indefinite defense to some violent crimes that endanger safety of others .

  24. 现有的关于正当防卫和防卫过当的表述可以简单地概括为:以正当防卫为基础,讨论正当防卫和防卫过当的问题。

    The present interpretation of self-defense and excessive defense can be summarized as follows : self-defense and excessive defense can be discussed on the basis of self-defense .

  25. 防卫意思与防卫过当罪过形式之探析

    A Study on Defending Wish and Sin Forms of Excessive Defense

  26. 第三,对如何把握一般正当防卫的限度条件以及防卫过当的认定,联系刑法理论中的不同观点,进行细致分析。

    Third , how to grasp the limits of self-defense in general conditions and over-defense identification , contact criminal law theory in the different points of view to carry out a detailed analysis .

  27. 同各国法规相比较,我国新刑法在正当防卫的适用范围、正当防卫与防卫过当以及正当防卫的特别规定等方面,具有独特的规定。

    Compared with laws and regulations of other countries , the new criminal law of China is of distinctive stipulation at the applicable range of the justifiable defence , between the justifiable defence and the extremist defence and on the particular stipulation of justifiable defence , etc.

  28. 我国防卫制度以一般防卫制度为基础,防卫过当的行为依然受一般防卫制度的调整。

    The defense system of our country still regards general defense as the foundation , in the case type that does not allow to implement especial defense behavior , the unjustifiable self-defense of the self-defender should still be adjusted according to the general defense system .

  29. 而且,司法实践中所遇到的防卫案件,绝大部分也是要求确定其是正当防卫还是防卫过当。

    Moreover , the defense of cases encountered in the judicial practice , the vast majority are also demanding to determine that it is self-defense or excessive defense .

  30. 为防止滥用防卫,我们应从正当防卫立法存在原因、条件、目的及防卫过当几个方面正确理解和把握正当防卫。

    To avoid abusing the defense , the author attempts to remark from the reasons , situations and aims of the necessary defense law , the overdone defense and so on , so that we can understand and adopt it .