
  • 网络era;Earned run average
  1. 我们想知道他的投手防御率。

    We might want to know his ERA .

  2. 此时,你的最佳防御率保持目前的最新威胁,如何防范他们。

    At this point , your best defense rates staying current on the latest threats and how to defend against them .

  3. 当前的DDoS防御系统误警率相对比较高,对合法用户造成了很大的影响。

    The current DDoS defense system has relatively high false positive rate , as a result , it affects legitimate users seriously .

  4. 然而,这些低得可怜的利润率提供了一些防御:营运利润率超过26%的Alphabet等科技巨擘为何要开始生产汽车?

    Yet their puny margins offer some defence : why would tech titans such as Alphabet , with an operating margin above 26 per cent , start making cars ?