
  • 网络protective packaging
  1. GB/T13125-1991机械工业产品湿热带防护包装方法通则

    General rule for damp heat protective packaging methods of machinery products

  2. 基于适应高原环境的武器装备防护包装设计方法探讨

    On Protective Packaging Design Method of Ordnance Used in Plateau

  3. 产品破损评价及其防护包装动力学理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Product Damage Evaluation and Protective Packaging Dynamics

  4. 渡河桥梁装备特型器材防护包装设计

    Protection Packaging Design of Special Equipments of River-crossing and Bridging

  5. 军品隐身防护包装材料应用研究

    Application research of stealthy packaging material in military equipment

  6. 强电磁环境的防护包装概论

    A General Survey of the protection Package in the Strong Magnetic Field Environment

  7. 军用车辆器材防护包装现状及发展对策

    Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of Military Vehicle Equipments

  8. 对中外军用伪装防护包装器材建设的认识与思考

    Recognition and Reflection on China and Foreign Military Camouflage Protection Packaging Equipment Construction

  9. 火箭弹抗强电磁脉冲的防护包装研究

    Packaging Research of Rockets to Preventing From EMP

  10. 综合防护包装技术在武器装备中的应用

    Application of Integrated Protection Packaging Technology in Ordnance

  11. 我国军用器材防护包装技术发展探析综合防护包装技术在武器装备中的应用

    On the Development of China Military Equipment Packaging Application of Integrated Protection Packaging Technology in Ordnance

  12. 公司产品包括防护包装材料成套复合机、无芯轴卷机、刨片机和制袋机。

    The range of production is complete of lamination machines , coreless rewinders , sheeter machines and bag making machines for protective packaging materials .

  13. 搬运、贮存、防护、包装及交付

    Handling , Storage , Preservation , Packaging Delivery

  14. GB/T12339-1990防护用内包装材料

    Inner packaging materials in preservation

  15. 该纤维耐高温、耐化学腐蚀、耐辐射、热稳定性优良,被广泛地应用于防护材料、包装材料、耐高温过滤材料和运输工具的内部材料等领域。

    This fiber was widely used as protective materials , packing materials , high-temperature filtration materials , conveyance lining materials and so on for their good resistance to high temperatures , outstanding chemical resistance , good irradiation-resistant and thermostability .

  16. 为了避免货物发生残损,我们应该在各方面都做好必要的防护措施,如包装,积载、装卸、搬运和储存等。

    In order to prevent cargo from damage , all safety measures should be taken for packing , stowage , loading and unload , handling and storage etc.

  17. 镀锌丝应用:产品广泛用于建筑、手工艺品、编制丝网、高速公路防护栏、产品包装及日常民用等各个领域。

    Application : galvanized wire products are widely used in architecture , arts and crafts , prepare screen , highway barrier , product packaging and daily civil , and other fields .