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  • 网络Sunscreen
  1. PPCPs(PharmaceuticalsandPersonalCareProducts)是一类含有处方类和非处方类医药品、防晒剂、清洁剂、杀菌剂和香料等化学用品在内的污染物的总称。

    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products ( PPCPs ) are a kind of pollutants which consists of prescription , non-prescription pharmaceuticals , sunscreen , detergents , fungicides and spices and so on .

  2. 我们应带上浴巾和防晒剂。

    We should pack beach towels and sunscreen .

  3. 似乎只有当UV射线接触渗入皮肤的防晒剂时,才会引起这些不良反应。

    The adverse effects seemed to happen only when UV rays hit sunscreen that had penetrated the skin .

  4. 成份:清纯橄榄精油、瑞士雪莲花、西洋参、野百合、维他命E、植物防晒剂等。

    Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , Swiss snow lotus , American ginseng , wild lily , vitamin E , vegetal sunscreen factor etc.

  5. QSAR技术对化妆品中防晒剂成分经皮暴露评估

    Percutaneous Exposure Assessment of Sunscreens in Cosmetics using QSAR Prediction Method

  6. insilico技术对防晒剂成分的人体暴露评估

    In silico approach for human exposure assessment of sunscreens

  7. 阐述了UVA防护的重要性、UVA防晒剂的发展及其配方应用。

    This paper presented the importance of UVA protection , the marketing development of UVA absorbers and its applications in formulations .

  8. 使用防晒剂MCX能有效地阻止在阳光辐射下的肤色变深;

    Usage of MCX could effectively block the deepening of skin color .

  9. 合成防晒剂Cinoxate时,采用方法Ⅰ收率较方法Ⅱ高20%。

    In the synthesis of cinoxate , the yield of Method ⅰ is 20 % higher than that of Method ⅱ .

  10. 简单介绍了日照对人体的影响;其中主要介绍了UVA、VUB射线对肌肤带来的损伤;防晒剂的防晒原理。

    Introdue the impact on the human body of the sunshine briefly , UVA or VUB ray to damage that skin bring mainly among them and the sun ˉ proof principle of the sun ˉ proof agents .

  11. 固体脂质纳米粒作为防晒剂载体的性能研究

    Characteristics of solid lipid nanoparticles as carrier system for sunscreen agent

  12. 城市再生水生产工艺中典型紫外防晒剂的去除

    The Removal of Typical UV Filters in Urban Wastewater Reclamation Plant

  13. 具有提取天然防晒剂价值的中草药

    The value of chinese herbal medicine extract as natural sun-screening agents

  14. [方法]分析我国卫生部审批资料,采用分光光度计分析防晒剂的吸收特性。

    Spectrophotometer was used to analyze the absorption characteristics of sunscreen products .

  15. 超声波法提取黄蜀葵花中天然防晒剂的研究

    Extraction of natural sunscreen from the blossom of abelmoschus manihot by supersonic method

  16. 如何配制含物理防晒剂的防晒配方

    How to design the formula containing physical sunscreen

  17. 防晒剂的发展综述

    Review on development of sun screening agent

  18. 微胶囊防晒剂的研制

    Preparation of microcapsule sun-screening agent

  19. 物理防晒剂配方应用

    Physical sunscreen agent formulation application

  20. 指出防晒剂的未来是变化莫测的,但在市场开拓的道路上是值得思考的。

    It indicates that the forecast is changeable , but in a pioneering market , that 's a warming thought .

  21. 长波紫外线对大鼠皮肤脂质过氧化和胶原的影响及防晒剂的防护

    Study on the effects of long-wave ultraviolet on lipid peroxidation and collagen of rats ' skin and sunscreen 's protection

  22. 如果该药品对人皮肤癌也同样有效,未来它将可能作为抗癌成分添加到防晒剂中。

    If the compound does the same for humans , it could one day be added to sunscreen as a cancer-fighting ingredient .

  23. 综述了高效液相色谱法在化妆品中防腐剂、防晒剂中紫外线吸收剂以及性激素的检测等几个方面的应用;

    Applications of HPLC in determining the content of preservatives , UV absorbents of suncreening agents and sex hormones in cosmetics were summarized .

  24. 在这类条件下,他们皮肤里高浓度的天然防晒剂,也许反而有碍健康。

    Under these conditions their high concentrations of natural sunscreen probably proved detrimental . Fit to all kinds of skin , especially good for dark spot , ringworm and eczema .

  25. 介绍了紫外线吸收剂的高分子化方法,紫外线吸收剂在织物处理洗涤剂中的应用以及日本最近研制出的新产品,并对防晒剂的发展趋势作了分析。

    The application of UV absorbent in laundry detergent , the new UV absorbent containing product developed recently in the world as well as the trend of the development in this field were also presented .

  26. 从紫外线防护、防晒剂的种类及应用和防晒产品的效果评价等方面,讨论了紫外线吸收剂应用于稳定有效的防晒化妆品的开发和配方制作时的相关注意要点。

    Highlights on the use of UV absorbers in developing and making of an effective and stable sun care product formula from views of UV protection , applications of various sunscreens and SPF evaluation of sun care products were discussed .

  27. 并采用这些防晒剂设计并试配了多种防晒化妆品,通过测试其防晒指数,选出适合应用于测试防晒指数的标准的防晒化妆品配方,同时验证了配方的可行性和稳定性。

    The standard reference sunscreen products formulation is selected for testing SPF after a series of SPF experimentation , in which kinds of sunscreen cosmetic formulations are intended to be designed and be compounded , then validated its feasibility and stability .

  28. 为此,综述了近年来皮肤光老化预防和治疗中应用的包括防晒剂、维A酸类、绿茶等多种外用药物,并从作用机制、临床应用及疗效等方面逐一介绍。

    In this review a variety of topical drugs used in the prevention and treatment of skin photoaging , including sunscreen agents , retinoids and green tea , etc , are discussed about their mechanism of action , clinical use and curative effects .

  29. 最后,记着涂上点防晒遮光剂。

    And finally , don 't forget to slap on the sunscreen .

  30. GB/T5210-1985涂层附着力的测定法拉开法5.最后,记着涂上点防晒遮光剂。

    Determination of adhesion of coats & Pull-off test 5 . And finally , don 't forget to slap on the sunscreen .