
fáng dú
  • Antivirus;gas defense;antitoxin
防毒[fáng dú]
  1. B样条曲面在防毒面具中的应用

    Application of B-Spline Curved Surface to the Modelling of Gas Mask

  2. 网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  3. 针对防毒面具罩体材料的性能要求,对BⅡR的补强体系、增塑体系和硫化体系进行了优化设计。

    To satisfy the performance requirements of mask cover materials , the reinforcing system , plasticizing system and curing system of B ⅱ R were optimized designed .

  4. Cisco路由器的防毒应用

    The application of cisco router preventing virus

  5. 毒霸三分天下&2001年杀毒软件产品广告投放简析网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    The three main servers in Chinese anti virus software market Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  6. ChrisDimino决定打破陈旧的淋浴喷头设计,因此创意的设计了这位戴防毒面具的老兄从墙里出来的造型。

    Chris Dimino 's decided to change the old shower with this new strange guy in a gas mask coming out of the wall

  7. 整体防毒策略在DFL网络中的应用

    Application of Holistic Antivirus Strategy in DFL Network On Entirety Enterprise Planning

  8. 目前的主要技术包括群集技术、防火墙技术、入侵检测技术、网络防毒技术、数据备份技术、UPS和异地容灾等。

    By now the main technologies include clustering , firewall , intrusion detection , network anti-virus , data backup , UPS , and disaster tolerance in different area .

  9. Twitter及中国社交媒体上的图像显示,中国的选手们戴着各种面部保护用品,从轻薄的口罩到第一次世界大战风格的防毒面具。

    Images on Twitter and Chinese social media showed Chinese runners sporting a variety of face protection , from light cloth masks to World War I-style gas masks .

  10. 经过六个月的辛苦努力,他做出了臭锁,这种空心钢U型锁中存有加压的有毒化学物质,即便某些最先进的防毒面具也无法抵抗它的威力。

    After six months of work , he came up with the SkunkLock , a hollow steel U-lock system which houses presurized noxious chemical deterrent that 's even detectable through some of the most advanced gas masks .

  11. 对于信息安全技术,如防火墙、入侵检测、网络防毒、数据备份、网管软件、日志审计、企业CA构建和身份认证等重要技术,灵活运用。

    Handle some important technology flexibly , for example , firewall technology , intrusion detection technology , anti-virus based on network technology , putting data on records , network management software , log audit , CA building and identify-attesting technology and so on .

  12. NL-4高效杀菌、防毒剂在纺织浆料中的应用研究

    Applications of " NL-4 " Super-efficient Disinfect and Mildew-proof Agent to Size in Textile Production

  13. 我是学了一课,我需要防毒保护。

    I have learned a lesson and I need spam protection !

  14. 环境科研中计算机防毒与杀毒软件的探讨

    Discussion On Computer Anti-virus And Anti-virus Software In Environmental Scientific Research

  15. 防毒软件往往只会增加麻烦。

    Virus protection software usually makes that more of a hassle .

  16. 新型防毒服面料用基布的舒适性分析

    Comfort analysis of the base cloth using in new antitoxic clothing

  17. 还有人举着的横幅上画着戴有防毒面具的头骨。

    Others carried banners showing a skull with a gas mask on .

  18. 纳米稀土防毒面具催化剂制备技术

    General Survey of Nano Rare Earth Catalyst for Gas Mask

  19. 防毒资料库自动更新,时间间隔设定的用户。

    Antivirus databases are updated automatically at intervals set by the user .

  20. 全球大气污染与工业防毒技术全球性大气污染的现状及对策

    The present condition of the global air pollution and countermeasure against it

  21. 为了防毒液扩散,必须马上截肢!

    Diffuse to prevent venom , must the amputation on the horse !

  22. 我想免费防毒平均为个人电脑。

    I want a free avg antivirus for personal computer .

  23. 你为什么戴着那件防毒面具?

    Natalie : Why are you wearing that gas mask ?

  24. 你的电脑有防毒软件吗?

    Do you have virus protection software on your PC ?

  25. 有效抽风或配戴防毒口罩。

    Operating under effective ventilation system or wear carbon mask .

  26. 新型防毒服吸附层的结构开发及其防护性能研究

    Developing the structure and studying the properties of new gas protective clothing

  27. 生物防毒织物的防护性能研究

    Studies on Protective Properties of Biological Anti Toxic Fabric

  28. 穿戴防毒装具时热负荷限度的研究

    Limit of Heat Load When Wearing Gas Protection Equipment

  29. 你定期更新防毒软件了,对吧?

    You update your anti-virus software regularly , right ?

  30. 我要求提姆帮我计算机安装一套防毒软件。

    I asked Tim to install an antivirus software program on my computer .