
  • 网络Error Proofing;Mistake Proofing;poka-yoke;Poka Yoke;pokayoke
  1. 智能QCOS防错控制系统在柔性化生产线中的开发和应用

    The Development and Application of Intelligent QCOS Error Proofing Control System in Flexible Production Line

  2. 防错&指用过程或设计特性来防止制造不合格品。

    Error Proofing & The use of process or design features to assure nonconforming product .

  3. 基于DDS扫频频谱分析的锁相载波环防错锁实现

    Realization of Preventing PLL Improper Locking Based on Spectrum Analysis Using DDS

  4. Solid于1992年在芬兰赫尔辛基成立,提供创新的数据库解决方案,支持快速、防错的数据访问。

    Originally founded in1992 in Helsinki , Finland , Solid had the early vision to provide innovative database solutions that allow fast , failure-proof access to data .

  5. 该编码法量子位使用效率为50%,且防错和纠错过程简单明了,并有单个逻辑态双轨(dual-rail)技术提供实验基础,因此该方案实现的可能性大。

    The dual rail representation of a logical state provides experimental possibilities , so the scheme is easy to construct and to implement .

  6. 另外阐述并利用SNMP协议栈的防错处理,精简了算法设计。

    Moreover , streamlines the algorithm by explaining and using anti-fault handling of SNMP protocol stack .

  7. 重点研究并开发防错系统的软件,包括工作站节点Agent、数据采集Agent、数据集成接口Agent、智能决策Agent等四类不同代理模块的详细设计开发,分析软件可靠性和应用影响。

    Research and develop the software of mistake-proofing system on emphasis , include the four different agent modules . Give out the feasibility and necessary of the software and analyze in detail .

  8. 安装容易维修DIY无售后服务问题:模组化组装让你安装更容易、维修时防错装置不需工具自行DIY维修超方便。

    Easy DIY installation and maintenance without after-sale issue : Module assembling design for easier installation and mistake preventive device for convenient DIY maintenance , no tool is needed .

  9. 针对手工装配差错的特征,本文提出在质量前期策划中进行防错设计的体系(QPIE)。

    This thesis particularly for error features in manual assembly , builds an error-proofing system in quality advanced planning ( or QPIE ) .

  10. 并对实施控制手段开展深入研究,研究包括人员、工艺、工具、防错技术、QCOS系统等扭矩质量控制计划及实施方案。

    It also deeply researches on controlling methods . The research includes people , process , tool , error-proofing , QCOS system torque quality control plan and implement .

  11. 混合装配线防错系统的研究与开发

    Research & Development of Mistake-proofing System for Mixed Products Assembly Line

  12. 系统工程电连接器防错新方法

    A New Method of Electrical Connector Against Mistake in System Engineering

  13. 防错技术在汽车减震器装配中的应用

    The application of error proofing in assembly of vibration isolator of automotives

  14. 基于机器视觉的发动机活塞装配防错检测技术研究

    Machine Vision Based Anti-engine Piston Assembly Mistake Detect Technology Research

  15. 该编码既适用于量子逻辑门的防错和纠错,也适用于防止量子计算机存储单元的解相干。

    It is useful for quantum logic gate and quantum computer memory .

  16. 组织应在纠正措施中使用防错方法。

    The organization shall use error-proofing methods in their corrective action process .

  17. 回顾防错,确认防错设备是否起作用?

    12 Review Mistake Proofing , confirm that Mistake Proofing devices work correctly ?

  18. 开展基于数字信号处理的防错锁模式设计和有效的防错锁核心算法研究。

    Design the mode and the arithmetic of error lock prevention based on DSP .

  19. 列车进路防错系统的研究

    Study on Train Route Error Prevention System

  20. 您应该根据需要扩展它们,以提供更多的防错措施和功能。

    You should expand on them to provide more error trapping and functionality as needed .

  21. 夹具的防错设计

    Anti - fault Design of the Fixture

  22. 刑事辩护制度具有天然的挑错、防错和纠错功能。

    Criminal defense system naturally serves functions to choose , prevent and correct the errors .

  23. 方法包括测量技术评价、防错、样本容量与频率、控制方法。

    Methods include evaluation measurement technique , error-proofing , sample size and frequency , control method .

  24. 石家庄客站接发列车防错办分析与预防

    Analysis and Precaution against " Wrong Operation " of Receiving and Dispatching Trains at Shijiazhuang Passenger Station

  25. 提出了不合格品可视化管理、去除返工动作、采用防错装置、作业标准化等供应商质量改善措施。

    Suggest nonconforming product visualization management , removal rework action , use error-proofing device , standardized operations .

  26. 防错理念及防错技术的应用

    Error-Proofing 's Philosophies and Application

  27. 一种简单可靠的高速宽带混频环防错锁方案及工程设计

    A Simple and Reliable Scheme for High-speed Wideband Lock Protection Circuit in Mixing PLL and its Engineering Design

  28. 当进行防错性编程时,如果“不可能发生”的事情的确发生了,则要使用断言进行报警。

    If the expression must be evaluated regardless of environment , use the VERIFY macro in place of ASSERT .

  29. 主要的几种量子编码方案是:量子纠错码、量子避错码和量子防错码。

    The main types of quantum coding scheme are : quantum error-correcting code , quantum error-avoiding code and error-proofing code .

  30. 要素7.3的要求包括产品和制造过程设计和开发并集中在防错上,而不是发现错误。

    The requirements of 7.3 include product and manufacturing process design and development , and focus on error prevention rather than detection .