
  1. 在基干林带后沿,立地条件较好,防护要求相对较低的防护林,宜采用带状更新,更新带宽以30m左右为宜,最大不能超过60m。

    Regeneration in strip is suitable for the backward of core forest belt requiring comparatively secondary protection , where site is in good condition , the appropriate width is about 30 m , not exceeding 60 m in maximum .

  2. 样机ZJS-2的功耗比ZJS-1平均高出300W。样机的产氧性能基本满足系统工程生理学防护要求和国军标GJB114&1986《急性缺氧防护生理要求》。

    The electricity consumption of prototype ZJS-2 is 300W more than that of prototype ZJS-1 . The oxygen producing performance can meet the system engineering physiological protection requirements and military standard GJB 114 & 1986 of acute anoxia physiological protection .

  3. GB13618-1992对空情报雷达站电磁环境防护要求

    Requirements of electromagnetic environment protection for air defense surveillance radar station

  4. 军用物资集装箱运输机械环境条件及防护要求

    Mechanical Environmental Condition and Protection Demands of Military Materials in Container Conveyance

  5. 国内预应力锚杆(索)防护要求与存在的问题

    Protection and Concerns for Pre-stressed Rock Bars ( Cables ) in China

  6. 卡车运输弹药力学环境及防护要求

    Motive Environment and Protection Condition of Ammunition in Truck Conveyance

  7. 主要论述当前有关生物学安全设施的生物学危险特点及防护要求。

    Discussion on characteristics & protection requirement of biological risk of biosafety facilities .

  8. 对称重传感器防护要求的认识

    Cognition about protecting demand of the load cell

  9. 整理效果的实用性验证表明,优化结果能够满足口罩的防护要求。

    The applied tests showed that the results of optimization meet the protection requirements .

  10. 综述了一些文献对核仪器结构设计的幅射防护要求;

    It summarizes the requirements for radiation protection of the structure design of isotopic instruments .

  11. 制定了与人眼生理卫生防护要求有关的《激光防护眼镜防护性能测试方法》国家军用标准。

    The national military standard on testing method of protecting performances of laser protective glasses has been laid down .

  12. 并与实际屏蔽厚度进行了对比,得出了实际屏蔽厚度均符合辐射防护要求结论。

    Reality shielding thickness accord with the demands of radiation protection by comparing with calculation result of shielding thickness .

  13. 针对工业环境的防护要求,给出了通信设备和电缆所应遵循的参考标准。

    According to the requirement of protection against industrial environment , we put forward a reference standard about communication devices and cable .

  14. 益记行公司是根据客户提供产品的几何形状,规格标准和防护要求来设计制造的。

    Lianhuan paper-made is designed and made according to geometry form of products , specification standard , demand of protect , all to meet the needs of customer .

  15. 捷接线区段合理设置吸流变压器,可以减少其安装数量,提高其牵引供电系统的供电质量,并达到牵引供电系统的防护要求。

    On the section with short-cut circuit , the reasonable arrangement of BT will decrease the number of BT to be installed , improve the quality of the traction power supply system , and satisfy the protection requirement of the traction power supply system .

  16. 本文研究了一种基于动态栅极悬浮技术的ESD保护电路,并根据全芯片ESD防护的要求设计了试验电路。

    A dynamic gate floating ESD protection circuit is first analyzed and then designed according to the whole-chip ESD planning .

  17. GB11567-1994汽车和挂车侧面及后下部防护装置要求

    Motor vehicles and trailers Lateral and underrun protections Requirements

  18. 仪器可安置在辊道一侧,这样可降低对热防护的要求。

    The device is placed aside of the roller , thus , the requirements for a heat shielding are lifted .

  19. 说明了其与普通口罩相比具有屏蔽性强、防止细菌交叉感染等功能,能够达到一定的防护技术要求。

    Comparing with common respirator , disposable protective respirator have the function of the bacterial shielding and across-infection , it can meet protective demand .

  20. 由于港口及其海岸防护技术要求的提高,在工程实际中对直立式防波堤的要求也越来越高。

    With the improvement of the port and the coast protection technology , the vertical type breakwater requirements in engineering practice is higher and higher .

  21. 他称,在一个气温升高4摄氏度的世界里,卫生防护将要求将全球资源进行“大规模再分配”,例如食物、水和能源。

    Health protection in a4C warmer world , he said , would require " substantial redistribution " of global resources such as food , water and energy .

  22. 其具有防止颗粒落入航空插头的插座并且对航空插头的防护等级要求低。

    The control cubicle comprises a socket preventing particles from dropping into the aviation plug , and has lower requirement to the guard stage of the aviation plug .

  23. 这种新型织物克服了现有屏蔽织物在生产、使用中的不足,满足了普通大众在日常工作和生活中对电磁辐射防护的要求。

    The new fabric overcomes the defect in the production and service of the shielding fabrics at present and satisfied the people 's requirement in the routine job and life .

  24. 根据内绝热层的烧蚀机理,推导出内绝热层炭优厚度计算公式;根据燃烧室壳体对热防护的要求,给出了确定内绝热层设计厚度的方法。

    The formulas to compute the charred thickness are derived based on its ablation mechanism and the methods to determine its design thickness arc given based on thermal protection for the chamber case .

  25. 针对1000kV输电线路电压更高、电场更强的特点,提出了1000kV输电线路带电作业安全防护的基本要求。

    According to the new characteristics of 1 000 kV transmission line that has higher voltage and electric field , the basic requirements of safety protection for live working on 1 000 kV transmission line is presented .

  26. 国际基本安全标准关于医疗照射防护的新要求

    New requirements for medical exposure protection in international basic safety standards

  27. 并应提供运输工程中必要的防护及运输要求。

    Necessary protection and transportation requirements during transportation process shall be provided .

  28. 飞机雷电防护的适航要求与试验

    Airworthiness Requirement and Test on Lightning Protection of Aircraft

  29. 医用辐射设备的防护与安全要求

    Requirement for safety and protection against medical radiological equipment

  30. 广深线提速后对旅客列车行车安全防护系统的要求

    Requirements for the Safety Protection System of Passenger Train Operation on Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway After Train Speed Increase