
fánɡ hù shǒu tào
  • protective glove;gauntlet
  1. 皮革或合成革制防护手套,所有行业适用

    Protective glove for all trade , of leather or composition leather

  2. 防护手套,非针织或钩编纺织材料制

    Protective glove of textile materials , not knitted or crocheted

  3. 防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。

    Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin

  4. 工厂是否提供金属防护手套或其它保护设施?

    Does the factory provide chain mail gloves or protective equipment ?

  5. 防护手套:合成橡胶或带袖子的橡胶手套。

    PROTECTIVE GLOVES : Neoprene or rubber gloves with cuffs .

  6. 红烟硝酸防护手套的研制

    Development of protective gloves for red fuming nitric acid

  7. 在更换刀片的时候始终配戴防护手套。

    Always wear protective gloves while handling the blade .

  8. 一双防护手套(龙皮或同类材料制作)

    One pair of protective gloves ( dragon hide or similar ) 4 .

  9. 使用本品建议穿戴防护手套。

    Wear gloves for protection when using this product .

  10. 安全须知:直接接触本系列产品请戴防护手套。

    Safety Tips : direct contact with the products , please wear protective gloves .

  11. 防护手套的品种很多,应根据防护功能来选用。

    Are many kinds of protective gloves should be based on the selection of protection .

  12. 使用防护手套往往建议而施釉容易清理。

    The use of protective gloves is often recommended while glazing for easy clean up .

  13. 上海信亿瓴是中国国内较早从事安全防护手套生产与出口的企业。

    Credy is one of the leading professional manufacturer & exporter of safety gloves in China .

  14. 所有工厂员工在任何涉及潜在危险的情况下,都必须戴上防护手套。

    ALL PLANT EMPLOYEES in any situation , which involves a potential hazard , MUST WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES .

  15. 钩织物通过用钩针线钩成环而制成的编织物防护手套,非针织或钩编纺织材料制

    To make a piece of needlework by looping thread with a hooked needle . protective glove of textile materials , not knitted or crocheted

  16. 用一个新的手套来换它用戴有防护性手套的手做手势。

    And replaces it with a new glove gestured with his gauntleted hand .

  17. 用戴有防护性手套的手做手势。

    Gestured with his gauntleted hand .

  18. 保护的;防护的防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。

    Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin .

  19. 施工时请用防护用具如手套等,避免直接接触。

    Please use safety appliance such as glove when apply , avoid direct touch .

  20. 每套包括供家庭成员使用的防护用具、手套和口罩、消毒剂,以及退烧药。

    The kits will include protective gear for family members , gloves and masks , disinfectants , and fever-reducing drugs .

  21. 这些技术措施包括告诉潜在的受害者如何避免感染,为卫生工作者提供更多的防护服和手套,肥皂、水源和漂白剂等。

    Those low-tech measures include telling potential victims how to avoid infection , providing more protective suits and gloves for health workers , and a dose of soap , water and bleach .

  22. 穿戴一般作业防护服,安全手套。

    Wear appropriate protective clothing and safety gloves .

  23. 我们是全球领先的安全防护产品(防护手套和服装)和服务提供商。

    We are leading in design , supply , and marketing of barrier protection products ( protective gloves and attires ) and services .

  24. 危险物料暴露超过合同限制范围或有害影响,应使用适当的个人防护设备,例如手套、护目镜、围裙、防护服和防毒面具。

    Where contract or exposure of hazardous materials could exceed limits or could otherwise have harmful affects , appropriate personal protective equipment 's such as gloves , goggles , aprons , chemical resistant clothing and respirator shall be used .

  25. 安全防护用品包括SF6防护产品系列包括SF6专用防护服、手套、防护鞋、滤罐、面罩、呼吸器等。

    And our safety protection products are including the protection series of SF6 , such as : protection suits , gloves , protection shoes , filter pots , protection masks , breathing devices , ect .