
  • 网络Protective door;Guard Door
  1. 钢包砼拱形防护门有限元模态分析

    The Modal Analysis of Certain Reinforce Concrete Protective Door Using Finite Element Method

  2. 坑道截面积对防护门上爆炸冲击波影响研究

    Study on the influence of undermining cross section on protective door explosion wave

  3. 建造时,为了加工方便,两个防护门均铸造为厚20cm铁门。

    To facilitate casting , the two doors were both built with steel slabs of 20 cm in thickness .

  4. 高分辨率详查相机窗口热门/防护门的发展概况

    The Development of The Door of High - Resolution Reconnaissance Camera

  5. 防爆活门与防护门的激波管试验

    Tests of Blast Valves and Blast Doors in Shock Tube

  6. 详细描述了碎块撞击防护门复杂物理过程;

    The complex physical phenomena during impact process were described in detail .

  7. 自动显示故障报警,安全防护门,安全开关。

    Automatic shows error , safety shield ; safety switch .

  8. 相机窗口热门/防护门是航天相机的关键部件。

    The door of camera is a key component of space camera .

  9. 一种新型施工现场安全防护门自锁装置的应用

    Application of A New Self-locking Device in Security Door of Construction Site

  10. 它能用来砍穿激光防护门,同样也包括敌人。

    It can be used to cut through blast doors or enemies alike .

  11. 碎块对防护门撞击效应的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of the impact effects of a debris on a defensive door

  12. 然而,磁铁插入器传送带不会旋转与防护门打开。

    The magnet inserter carousel however will not rotate with the guard door open .

  13. 防护门在空气冲击波和破片作用下的破坏

    Protective door damaged by air shock wave and fragment arisen from explosion in prototype tunnel

  14. 长坑道中防护门上的化爆冲击波压力研究

    Study on the Pressure of Chemical Shock Waves upon the Protective Door in Long Tunnels

  15. 谈平开式安全防护门

    Discussion on flat-opening safe protective door

  16. 回旋加速器室两道防护门和迷道长度的设计是保守的。

    In addition , the design of labyrinth and the two protection doors in cyclotron rooms were conservative .

  17. 应用深水调谐液体阻尼器可以对某些濒海洞库防护门进行振动控制。

    So it is practical to control the vibration of the sea-side defense-gate by using the deep-water tuned liquid damper .

  18. 不切割机电源,并停止生产线的情况下可以打开防护门的磁铁插入传送带。

    The guard door to the Magnet Insert Carousel may be opened without cutting Machine Power and stopping the line .

  19. 利用原型坑道内爆炸试验,考察了破片和空气冲击波的复合作用对防护门的宏观破坏效应。

    The macroscopic effects of protective door under compound action of shock wave and fragment are reviewed by explosion in Prototype tunnel .

  20. 文中用流体弹塑性模型数值模拟了高速碎块撞击防护门的效应;详细描述了碎块撞击防护门复杂物理过程;分析了碎块参数对撞击效应的影。

    In order to understand very well on mechanical effects of debris with high velocity impacting a defensive gate , numerical simulation became an important mean .

  21. 模拟结果与其它经验方法的预测结果进行了比较,可为进一步研究确定坑道中防护门上的化爆冲击波荷载及其防护技术提供依据。

    Simulated result is compared with other experimental results , and can be used as the basis to determine the chemical shock loads on the protective doors and the protective methods .

  22. 〔方法〕利用实际案例和可视面积变化增量用公式法计算迷路口剂量和防护门铅当量。

    Method : Make use of the actual case example with eyeable area variety to increase quantity to get a dosage and the protection door lead equivalent at maze with the formula method calculation .

  23. 通过对模型进行模态分析,给出防护门的前10阶固有频率及相应的振型,对防护门的自振特性有了较为精确的认识,从而为进一步分析防护门的动力响应打下基础。

    The first ten natural frequencies and the corresponding vibration models of the protective door are obtained from modal analysis , which provide a scientific basis for the further dynamic characteristic analysis of the protective door .

  24. 阐述了互锁安全控制在数控刻楦机中的重要作用,完成了防护门开/关与刀具主轴互锁、夹具夹紧与自动加工互锁功能的设计。

    The important role of the interlocking control for security in the NC shoe-last carving machine has been expounded . And the interlocking function between protective door on / off and the tool spindle and the interlocking function between fixture clamping and automatic processing has been realized .

  25. 针对防护密闭门在关闭门扇过程中存在的门扇重、牵引力大等问题进行了探讨,并提出了解决该种问题的方案,及对已经应用到实际工程中的复位机构方案进行了详细分析。

    Based on analyzing the gravity of the problem of the protective closure obstructive valve 's swing and the towing force , a few schemes have been put forward in the paper .

  26. 介绍了防爆波阀门在给水管道和排水管道上的设置方法,阐述了洗消废水集水坑在防护密闭门内外设置的不同之处,提出了柴油发电机房给排水设计应注意的问题。

    It introduces collocation of anti-blast valve beside water supply pipe and drain pipe , illustrates difference of collocation of waste water sump pit around protection closed door , and puts forward matters need attention of water supply and sewerage design for diesel oil generator plant .

  27. 安全防护装置在屏蔽门系统中的应用

    On the Application of Safe Protection Device in Platform Screen Door System

  28. 防护(密闭)门和门框墙是防护工程的重要组成部分。

    The hardened and / or closed door and its doorframe wall are important parts in a protective project .

  29. 本文简要介绍一台电子能量为2.2MeV、束流强度为25mA的电子辐照加速器的辐射防护设计。其主要内容是防护门设计中考虑的原则和计算方法。

    This paper presents the principles and calculation methods in design of shielding doors for an electron accelerator with maximum energy of 2.2 MeV and maximum beam intensity of 25 mA .

  30. 那时没有防护儿童的药瓶盖,没有防护儿童的门或柜橱,我们骑自行车时,不知道要带头盔,更别提我们经常拦路搭车的风险了。

    We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles , doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes , we had no helmets , not to mention , the risks we took hitchhiking .