
  • 网络Sand prevention;sand reclamation
  1. 生物可降解聚乳酸(PLA)材料在防沙治沙中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Biodegradable Polylactic Acid ( PLA ) Material for Combating Desertification

  2. 缅甸DAPEIN(Ⅰ)水电站取水防沙问题研究

    Study on Water-inlet and Sediment Control of DAPEIN (ⅰ) Hydropower Plant in Burma

  3. 利用GIS的存储、查询和地理分析功能研究沙漠化的现状,了解沙漠化危害程度,预测沙漠化发展趋势及规划防沙治沙措施等具有十分重要的意义。

    Former research results showed that common GIS system , based on its functions of storage , inquiry and geographical analysis , has very important significance in studying desertification status , knowing its endangering degree , predicting its developing trend and planning the controlling measures etc.

  4. 尼龙网栅栏防沙效应研究

    The effects of an A-typed nylon fence on Aeolian sand prevention

  5. 沙滩鞋是展示脚趾并防沙的关键。

    Flip-flops show off your toes and keep the sand out .

  6. 沙漠地区高速公路工程防沙体系效益分析

    Benefit Analysis of Sand-prevention Engineering System for Highway in Desert Region

  7. 多光谱图像分割技术在防沙治沙关键技术中的研究与应用

    Utilization of Multispectral Images Segmentation Technology in Desertification Prevention and Cure

  8. 建立健全防沙监测预报系统。

    Set up the inspecting and forecast system of defending sand .

  9. 腾格里沙漠公路工程防沙效应

    Effect of Sand & drift Prevention on Road in Tengger Desert

  10. 张北试区降水规律与防沙尘暴对策

    Laws of the Precipitation in Zhangbei and the Countermeasures for Sandstorm

  11. 辽蒙边界阻沙林带在防沙治沙的作用浅析

    The Role of Shelterbelt along the Mongolia-Liaoning Border in Sand Control

  12. 尼龙网栅栏防沙效应的风洞模拟实验

    Simulation Experiments on Sand-Arresting Effect of Nylon Net Fence in Wind Tunnel

  13. 控制沙脊线防沙试验研究

    The Desert Preventive Experiment by Controlling the Desert Ridge Line

  14. 防沙导流堤平面设计的研究

    Study of Layout Designs of Sediment Control & Training Levees

  15. 中国荒漠地区铁路防沙的新认识

    New knowledges of preventing sand harms on Railway in China

  16. 加快防沙治沙进程构筑北方生态屏障

    Speed up the Desertification Control Process to Build a Northern Ecological Barriers

  17. 土壤凝结剂沙障防沙机理的风洞模拟实验研究

    Wind Tunnel Test on Sand-preventing Mechanism of Soil Coagulant Sand-barrier

  18. 建立防沙治沙资金投入多元化制度,使沙漠化防治工程有资金保障。

    Constitute desertification prevention capital devotion system to provide bankroll guarantee system .

  19. 塔里木沙漠公路防沙体系建设几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems about Construction of Sand-controlling Systems along Desert

  20. 阜新市引白水源工程引水防沙试验研究

    Experimental study on sediment prevention of water diversion project from Baihe river

  21. 高吸水聚合物材料在防沙治沙中的应用

    Application of super absorbent polymer in the desert control

  22. 防沙治沙进入了工程化、规模化建设新阶段。

    The sand-control project has entered a new stage on a gigantic scale .

  23. 土壤污染的生物治理土壤-植被系统演变对生物防沙工程的影响

    Impact of Evolvement of Soil-plant System on Engineering of Mobile Sand Dunes Control

  24. 生物结皮是目前防沙治沙的一种重要措施。

    Biological soil crusts are important measures for controlling erosion in desertified areas .

  25. 防沙治沙运营新模式:营利性治沙的法律机制研究

    Law Study on the making profit in combating desertification

  26. 四是防沙治沙任务依然严峻。

    The fourth is that the task of combating desertification is still urgent .

  27. 沙化地区生态保护与扶贫的冲突及整合初探&析《防沙治沙法》之生态保护与扶贫相结合原则

    On Conflict and Conformity of Sandy Area 's Ecological Protection and Poverty Alleviation

  28. 中国沙漠地区铁路及铁路防沙

    Railways built in deserts and sand-prevention in China

  29. 防沙工程的结皮效应研究

    Research on Effect of Sand Prevention and Control Engineering on Formation of Physical Crust

  30. 塔里木沙漠公路沿线机械防沙体系效益评价及防沙带合理宽度的初步探讨

    Efficiencies and reasonable width for the mechanical sand-prevention system along the Tarim Desert Highway