
  • 网络dispensaries;prophylactically;prophylactico-therapeutic institution
  1. 总结了我国盐渍化防治所经历的不同阶段及特点。

    The deference stages of comprehensive harnessing of saline soil and the characteristics are analyzed .

  2. 性病防治所和综合医院皮肤性病科性病患者求医行为研究

    A study on health seeking behavior of STD patients in specialized STD clinicas and general hospital

  3. 指定的咨询检测点设在屏山大道柳州市结核病防治所。

    Designated counseling and testing points are located at City Road in Ping Shan by tuberculosis control .

  4. 方法回顾性分析1999&2004年在汕头市结核病防治所治疗的符合选例标准的78例合并糖尿病肺结核患者接受短程化疗的疗效。

    Methods The data of 78 patients with tuberculosis and diabetes were collected retrospectively , and therapeutic effects were analyzed .

  5. 模式标本保存于山西省大同市地方病防治所。

    All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Endemic Disease Control of Datong City , Shanxi Province .

  6. 材料与方法回顾性分析20例经职业病防治所确诊为矽肺的X线资料。

    Materials and Methods : The datum of 20 patients proved by Occupation Disease Prevention and Cure Hospital were retrospectively analyzed .

  7. [研究方法]1、采用山东省疾病预防控制中心慢性病防治所提供的问卷,对因伤害住院病例进行登记。

    Questionnaires by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention of Shandong Province were used to register and collect data of hospitalization injury .

  8. 中山大学农学院中国科学院广东省病虫防治所;

    Shin-Foon Chiu ; Tzeng-Yih Shieh College of Agriculture , Sun Yat Sen University and Institute of Insect and Disease Control , Kwangtung .

  9. 运用自制的调查问卷,在知情同意的前提下对到抽样县结核病防治所诊治、年龄在15岁及以上的痰涂片阳性的肺结核连续患者逐一面谈。

    After informed consent , a consecutive sample of patients , aged 15 years and older , with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis were interviewed and completed a pre-tested questionnaire .

  10. 本研究的目的是通过掌握系统、确凿的数据,采取实证分析、数据分析方法,深入分析甘肃省艾滋病疫情,了解当前甘肃省艾滋病的流行态势,评价当前全省艾滋病防治所采取策略的效果。

    The aim of the research is to understand the AIDS epidemic trend and evaluate the effects of AIDS prevention and treatment strategies in Gansu Province by evidence and systemic data analysis .

  11. 3组研究对象分别选择来自本省某白蚁防治所的白蚁防治人员、某农药厂生产砷药物和生产氯丹的工人,共216名。

    A total of 216 subjects were selected from the staff who were termite control lers of some termite control institute , workers produce arsenic drug and chlordane of some pesticide factory .

  12. 本文从植物病害及病害的不恰当防治所造成的经济损失与生态污染损失,导出了植病经济与植病经济学产生的必然;

    Economics of Plant Disease ( studies on plant disease economy ) was established based on the losses of economy and ecological effects of their environmental pollution caused by plant diseases and their mismanagement .

  13. 选择在7个县结核病防治所登记的正在治疗或在调查前一年内已经完成治疗的农村新发涂阳肺结核病人为调查对象。

    The smear-positive TB patients registered in the county TB dispensaries were recruited into this study , which included the patients who were being treated and who had finished the treatment within one year .

  14. 建设项目中大气污染防治所需资金、材料和设备,应当与主体工程统筹安排。

    The funds , materials , and equipment as needed to affect the prevention of air pollution of construction projects should be included in the overall planning of the main parts of these projects .

  15. 云南省流行病防治研究所,下关;

    Institute of Emdemic Disease Control of Yungan Province Xiagman ;

  16. 新时期煤矿水害防治技术所面临的基本问题

    The key technical problems of coal mine water hazard control at present stage

  17. 甘肃省科学院地质自然灾害防治研究所专家介绍

    Introduction the Specialists of Geological Hazards Prevention Institute , Gansu Academy of Sciences

  18. 新种模式标本保存于云南省疟疾防治研究所。

    All type specimens have been deposited in Yunnan Institute of Malaria Control .

  19. 与艾滋病防治工作所需要的资金数量相比,资金不足是一个全球性的问题。

    Compared to the amount of fund needed for HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment , inadequate funding is a global problem .

  20. 这本特刊中向我们展示了中华红丝带基金在艾滋病防治领域所做的工作和取得的成绩。

    It showcases the experiences and best practices of the many HIV / AIDS prevention , care and support initiatives you undertook in2010 .

  21. 江苏省血吸虫病防治研究所的研究员杨坤认为气候只是影响血吸虫病传播的一个单一因素。

    Yang Kun , a research fellow with Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases said that climate is only a single factor affecting the spread of schistosomiasis .

  22. 设有41个临床科室、6个医技科室和23个病区,无锡市肿瘤防治研究所、无锡市胸心外科治疗中心均设在医院。

    It train Masters for Suzhou University , Xuzhou Medical College and Shandong University , There are41 clinical departments , 6 medical technology departments and23 wards .

  23. 对于贵基金在中国艾滋病防治领域所作出的建设性努力,我表示由衷的赞赏!

    I want to commend you and the members of your Foundation for your creativity and commitment in the response to HIV / AIDS in China .

  24. 本文介绍了神龙汽车有限公司在职业病防治方面所做的工作和取得的成效。

    In this paper the work and achievement on prevention and control of occupational diseases in Dongfeng Peugenot Citroen Automobile Company Ltd. ( DPCA ) were introduced .

  25. 水体质量的评价与预测已成为当前开展水环境规划管理,以及进行污染综合防治方面所不可缺少的基础工作。

    Evaluation and prediction of water bodies quality has became the basis on which water environmental planning & management and integrated water pollution control and treatment are carried out .

  26. 防治泥石流所采用的原则、方案和措施不同,亦即采用的防治模式不同,就会出现不同的防治效果。

    The principles , plans and measures adopted to control debris flow are different , that is , the controlling models adopted are different , thus causing different controlling effects .

  27. “这一成就归功于东地中海区域各国为防治麻疹所作的辛勤努力与承诺,”世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍博士说。

    " This achievement is a tribute to the hard work and commitment of countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region to combat measles " said Dr Margaret Chan , WHO Director-General .

  28. 世卫组织完全赞同国际药品采购机制的主要公共卫生目标,寻求帮助发展中国家采购扩展艾滋病毒、结核和疟疾防治规划所需要的药品。

    WHO shares the key public health objectives of UNITAID as it seeks to assist developing countries in purchasing the medicines needed to scale up HIV , TB and malaria control programmes .

  29. 我代表联合国艾滋病规划署,向中华红丝带基金在中国艾滋病防治领域所作出的艰辛努力和重要贡献表示由衷的赞赏和敬佩。

    On behalf of UNAIDS , I would like to express my appreciation and admiration for the hard work and important contributions made by the China Red Ribbon Foundation towards HIV prevention in China .

  30. 地点和对象:实验地点:江苏省肿瘤防治研究所,实验对象:30例女性癌症患者,其中卵巢癌10例,乳腺癌20例,平均年龄55岁。

    SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : The study was completed in Jiangsu Institute for Prevention and Cure of Tumor . Subjects were 30 cases of female cancer patients with a mean age of 55 years old , in which 10 cases with carcinoma of ovary and 20 cases with breast carcinoma .