
  1. 这对引人注目的前情侣疾驰在洒满阳光的街道上,比伯则不断在车上展示自己的技巧,不停耍帅。比伯似乎技术的确不错。

    The attractive pair zoomed along the sun-filled streets of the celebrity enclave as Bieber , ever the showman , flaunted his skills on the motorized vehicle .

  2. 冷冰冰的阳光照满街道,一阵阵狂风刮起,纸片和冰霜似的尘土吹满了天空。

    A glacial sun filled the streets , and a high wind filled the air with scraps of paper and frosty dust .

  3. 西伦敦阳光斑驳的街道上,37岁的老牌足球运动员抱着自己可爱的小女儿悠然漫步,脸上忍不住流露出幸福的笑容。

    The 37-year old footballer couldn 't help but laugh as he carried the adorable toddler through the sunshine dappled streets of West London .