
  • 网络Negative Result
  1. 对于术前是否行纵隔镜检查,N2期疾病和长期生存患者的比率呈阴性结果。

    The proportion of patients with N2 disease and the long-term survival was similar regardless of whether preoperative mediastinoscopy yielded a negative result .

  2. 结论:1、SPT具有较高的特异度,临床诊断中其阴性结果价值大于阳性结果。

    With a great specificity , a negative result of SPT had better predictive value than a positive one . 2 .

  3. 套式PCR法可检测出患者血液中土拉弗氏菌,阳性率为84.6%,对照组细菌套式PCR均为阴性结果。

    The Francisella tularensis positive rate was 84.6 % in Nested PCR .

  4. 另外2例血管B超和Doppler血管检查皆为阴性结果。

    The other 2 limbs , both vascular Doppler test and B-ultrasound showed negative results .

  5. 用PCR法检测10例均为阴性结果(0/10)。

    All the 10 non-tumor cases detected with PCR showed negtive results ( 0 / 10 ) .

  6. MiniVITAL全自动血培养仪假阳性/假阴性结果分析

    Evaluation of false positive and false negative results for mini VITAL automated blood culture system

  7. 结论IC的增加与舒张试验的阳性和阴性结果没有必然的关联,可作为独立指标。

    Conclusion The increase of IC hasn 't a certain relation with the result of bronchodilator test .

  8. 结论CAD对数字化乳腺X线图像的辅助提示具有较重要的临床应用价值,但仍存在一定的假阳性及假阴性结果。

    Conclusion Although the CAD system has showed clinical values in practice , there are still some false-positive and false-negative results .

  9. 原位PCR技术操作比较复杂,同时在操作中易出现假阳性结果和假阴性结果。

    The procedure of in-situ PCR is complex , and the pseu-positive and pseu-negative results are easy to occur .

  10. 但是,PSA的低特异性常常出现大量的假阳性和假阴性结果,影响临床判断。

    However , low specificity of serum PSA leads to many false-positive and false-negative results and clinical uncertainty .

  11. 目的对酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测人体血清中艾滋病病毒(HIV)1+2型抗体结果的不确定度进行评定,降低初筛试验出现假阴性结果的风险。

    Objective To evaluate uncertainty in detecting HIV 1 + 2 antibody by ELISA in order to reduce risk due to false negative results in serum screening tests .

  12. 在对存档的石蜡包埋组织作回顾性研究,解释其PCR阴性结果时,必需考虑组织标本固定对RNA分子的影响。

    In retrospective studies on virus-infected diseases with paraffin-embedded tissues , knowledge of the effect of tissue fixation on fragile RNA molecules is necessary for interpreting negative PCR results .

  13. 第三个可能的原因是原发肿瘤延迟固定和假阴性结果,这个能解释复发病灶的ER阳性表达。

    A third possibility is delayed fixation and false negative results for the primary tumor , which could explain some of the gain of ER in recurrence .

  14. 该机构声称,阳性结果可推论病人感染了该新型H1N1猪流感病毒,但阴性结果不应判断为流感病人没有感染该病毒。

    A positive finding will presumptively conclude that the patient has the new , previously unseen strain of H1N1 swine flu .

  15. 最近的研究显示,用于H1N1感染的有些检测方法不完全可靠,所以假阴性结果是经常出现的问题。

    As recent studies have shown , some tests for H1N1 infection are not entirely reliable , and false-negative results are a frequent problem .

  16. 结果:SEP传导速度在脊髓损伤后15分钟出现显著性变化,共出现四次假阴性结果。

    Result : SEP conducted velocity changed significantly at 15 minutes after spinal striking and presented false negative changes for 4 times .

  17. 结论:增加PCR产物比例,扩大酶切体系,可提高线粒体基因异质性突变的检出率,尽量减少假阴性结果,可应用于临床检测。

    Conclusion : The increase of the proportion of PCR products and enlargement of the enzymatic system can improve the detection rate of mtDNA heteroplasmy mutation , decrease false negative results , and can be used in clinic .

  18. 目的:探讨脑脊液寡克隆区带(CSFOCB)在神经系统疾患中的临床意义,并对多发性硬化(MS)患者CSFOCB阳性和阴性结果进行比较研究。

    Aim : To investigate the clinical significance of CSF-restricted OCB in neurological disease and make a comparative study of CSF-restricted OCB positive and CSF-restricted OCB negative MS patients .

  19. Ames实验的阴性结果表明,在本实验条件下,未发现MTBE、AE、DMC具有致突变性。

    The negative results of Ames test showed that there was no detection of the mutagenicity in MTBE , AE and DMC under the conditions of this experiment .

  20. Ames实验、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核实验、小鼠精子畸形实验等3项遗传毒性实验检测均为阴性结果;

    The result of three-inheritance toxicity experiment check of Ames experiment , small rat marrow mottled red cell microkernel experiment , small rat sperm malformation experiment is negative .

  21. 骨髓细胞微核试验、骨髓细胞染色体畸变、精子畸形试验、Ames试验均为阴性结果;

    The results of micronucleus test of bone marrow cells , chromosome aberration test of bone marrow cells , sperm shape abnormality test , Ames test and 30 days feeding test were negative .

  22. 18株多基因型有占整体的46.15%,多数是CTX-M型与SHV型或TEM型共同存在的形式;除此之外,有一株扩增产物为阴性结果。

    More than a total of 18 genotypes ( 46.15 % ), and the most was CTX-M and TEM-or SHV co-exist ; addition , there is an amplification results were negative .

  23. 以测序结果为标准,选取荧光值最高的阴性结果,以该荧光值的2作为所有探针的阳性判定值(cut-off值),高于cut-off值就视为该型别的阳性。

    The sequencing results were considered as the standard , and the negative results with highest fluorescence value were selected . The fluorescence value 2 was considered as the positive decision value ( cut-off value ) of all probes .

  24. 遗传毒性试验(Ames试验、骨髓细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验)的阴性结果表明,鹿血酒未见有遗传毒性作用。

    The negative results of genetic toxicity test ( Ames test , bone marrow cell micronucleus test , mouse sperm abnormality test ) indicated that there was no genotoxicity in deer blood wine . 3 .

  25. 且糜烂面积越大,程度越重,感染率越高;HPV联合TCT检查,可减少液基细胞学检查的假阴性结果,提高宫颈病变的检出率。

    And the greater the erosion area , the more weight , the higher infection rate ; HPV United TCT examination , can reduce the liquid-based cytology the false-negative results , improve the detection rate of cervical lesions .

  26. 方法对122例确诊的SAH患者不同时期的临床、实验室、CT、MRA、DSA等结果进行回顾性分析,评价其阳性结果的敏感性并分析阴性结果的原因。

    Methods ( The clinical ) information and results of lumbar puncture , CT , MRA , DSA were analyzed retrospectively in 122 patients suffering from SAH at different periods in order to investigate the sensitivity of positive findings and analyze the cause of negative findings .

  27. 结果显示,分化的MAP-2阳性神经元的数量、细胞面积及细胞周长三项指标切割组最好,正常组次之,而空白对照组最差;三组AChE组织化学染色均为阴性结果。

    The results showed that the differentiated MAP-2-positive neurons were the best in transected group , the second in normal group , and the worst in control empty group , and all groups showed negative results by AChE histochemistry .

  28. HBV感染早期,患者血中的HBsAg含量极低,用现有的检测试剂、检测方法可能检测不到,导致假阴性结果,延误治疗时机。

    The detection of HBsAg is greatly significant for early diagnosis of hepatitis B. At the early stage of HBV infection , HBsAg concentration in serum is low . It may not be detected by the existing detection reagents and methods , result in false negative and treatment be delayed .

  29. 亚慢性经口毒性(90d)试验雌为19.1mg/kg,雄为18.3mg/kg;Ames、细胞微核和染色体畸变试验均为阴性结果。

    Trials of subchronic toxicity ( 90 days ) revealed that oral toxicity was 19.1 mg / kg for female , and 18.3 mg / kg for male , with negative results on Ames test , micro-nucleus test , and chromosome-type aberration test .

  30. 研究中存在的这种偏倚可能产生假阴性结果。

    The consequences of this bias may be false-negative studies .