
yīn shènɡ yánɡ shuāi
  • 熟语more women than men;The female outshine (or excel) the male.;Yin rises while yang declines. or An excess of yin leads to yang deficiency.
  1. 貌似第一回合有点阴盛阳衰是吧?

    I guess round one goes to the " x " chromosomes , huh ?

  2. 安妮:中国有句俗语阴盛阳衰。

    Annie : A Chinese slang says , " Yin flourishes while Yang declines " .

  3. 安妮:我第一,“阴盛阳衰”,哈哈。

    Annie : I am the first . " Yin flourishes while Yang declines " .

  4. 对我国竞技体育阴盛阳衰现象的探讨

    Approaches to the Phenomenon of Women Being Stronger and More Powerful in Sports in Our Country

  5. 金教授说:无论是在哪种教育体制之下,阴盛阳衰已成为全球性趋势。

    It is a global trend that women are outperforming men , under all kinds of education systems , said Jin .

  6. 并以项群训练理论和中国体育所谓的阴盛阳衰现象两个典型事例,对体育生态的迁移与潜移规律进行了实证分析和生态学解读。

    Moreover , it analyzes transfer and emergy in sports ecology taking group training theory and phenomenon of " Chinese female athletes have better sports performances than male " as examples .

  7. 遗憾的是,在大陆电影中阴盛阳衰的格局依然存在,男性群像中不乏绵里藏针的叛逆者,笑傲尘世的逍遥者,但更多的却是软弱的迷失者和父性残缺的末路鬼。

    Unfortunately , in the mainland films , the situation that men are weaker than women still exist popularly , although no lack of the traitors , the searchers , and the peripatetic , but most of them are weak losers or the mutilated father .