
  1. 分段凿岩阶段矿房法爆破工艺的实践

    The Practise of Blast Technique of Sublevel Drilling and Stope Mining

  2. 分段凿岩阶段矿房法的矿柱回收及放矿管理

    Pillar Recover of Sublevel Drilling Stage Room Stoping and Draw Managing

  3. 大直径深孔阶段矿房法在紫金山金铜矿的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Large Diameter Long-hole Sublevel Room Mining in Zijinshan Gold-Copper Mine

  4. 大直径深孔阶段矿房法是一种很有发展前途的采矿法。

    The large-diameter deep-hole mining by sublevel room work method has its bright future for application .

  5. 本文叙述了大直径深孔阶段矿房法在金厂峪金矿的应用情况。

    This paper gives a description on the application of this method in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine .

  6. 分段凿岩阶段矿房法在急倾斜薄矿脉中的应用分段函数的导数

    The Application of Sublevel Stoping in Steeply Dipping Narrow Vein Mining Differential Coefficient of Subsection Function

  7. 灰关联度计算表明,采矿方法适应性排序为:露天开采法、分段崩落法、阶段矿房法等;

    The gray relation degree indicates that the series for adaptability of every mining method are surface mining , sublevel caving mining , block stop mining etc ;

  8. 针对某钼矿分期开采的实际情况以及矿体的厚大特征,选用中深孔凿岩、电耙出矿的分段凿岩阶段矿房法进行开采,有效地提高了矿块生产能力。

    As a case study on slope improvement in a scrap mine , the design of medium-deep hole blasting parameter of network and safety proofreading are mainly presented , and the blasting results are analyzed .

  9. 可采用的采矿方法有分段凿岩阶段矿房法、无底柱分段崩落法、上向水平分层充填法及空场嗣后充填法等。

    The mining methods can be used such as sublevel rock drilling and stage room stoping , sublevel caving , the upward horizontal slicing and filling method and open-stope succeed by filling method and so on .

  10. 由于被开采矿体的倾角、厚度不同,空场采矿法分为留矿采矿法、房柱采矿法、全面采矿法、分段矿房法和阶段矿房法五种具体的采矿方法。

    Due to the different inclination and thickness of mined ore , stope mining method has been divided into five specific mining methods , which include shrinkage mining method , room and pillar mining method , comprehensive mining method , sub-stope method and stage stop method .

  11. 多单元多步骤阶段矿房采矿法防硫化矿尘爆炸措施的探讨

    Discussion on Anti-sulfuration Dust Explosion Measurement in Multicell and Multi-process Phase Mining

  12. 阶段矿房采矿法中深孔布置结构及参数的确定

    Distribution structure and parameter determination of medium-length holes in stage room mining method

  13. 大直径深孔阶段矿房采矿法在金厂峪金矿的实践

    Practice of large-diameter deep-hole mining by sublevel room work method in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine

  14. 经过技术与经济论证,一步骤矿房采用阶段矿房采矿法是合理的,于2004年完成试验研究并于2005年年末投产应用。

    Technical and economical assessment show that sublevel stoping is a reasonable method to mine the room at one stage . The test was completed in 2004 and the technology was put into application in 2005 .

  15. 铜山铜矿分段凿岩阶段矿房嗣后充填采矿法工艺优化研究

    The Study on the Improvement of the Technology of Sublevel Stoping and Filling Mining Method