
  • 网络Agadez;agades
  1. 司法部长称,Saadi正跟随车队前往尼日尔北部的阿加德兹。

    The justice minister said Saadi Gaddafi was in a convoy heading for Agadez , in north Niger .

  2. 他们在迪尔库等候下一批车队前往阿加德兹。可能要等到两个星期之后。

    They could wait as long as two weeks for the next army convoy to Agadez .

  3. 在诸如尼日尔这样的脆弱环境中,正如我们在阿加德兹市洪灾中亲眼所见,贫困人口的优先事项每天都有变化。

    In fragile environments like Niger , and as we saw with the Agadez flooding , the priorities of the poor can change from day to day .

  4. 在利比亚南部边境狭长的沙漠地带巡逻的安全部队周日发现车队正前往尼日尔北部的阿加德兹。

    Security forces patrolling the long stretch of desert south of the Libyan border on Sunday spotted the convoy on its way to the northern town of Agadez .