
  • 网络ABIDJAN;Ivory Coast;ABJ
  1. 出租车司机的抗议使得阿比让陷入了混乱。

    Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers

  2. 来自主要城市阿比让,JohnJames报道。

    From the main city Abidjan , John James reports .

  3. 阿比让巴斯德研究所采用免疫酶联试验(ELISA)为病人所作的IgM抗体检测呈阳性反应。

    The case tested positive for IgM by ELISA test conducted by the Institute Pasteur in Abidjan .

  4. 巴博拒绝下台,目前瓦塔拉仍在阿比让,处于联合国(un)的保护之下。

    Mr Gbagbo has refused to leave office , while Mr Ouattara remains under UN protection in the city of Abidjan .

  5. 一名驻阿比让的BBC记者表示,在总统府附近的国家电视台发生了激烈的战斗。

    A BBC reporter in Abidjan said there had been fierce clashes around the national TV station , near the presidential palace .

  6. 我们从象牙海岸首都阿比让的“神之音录音机构”分部经理EricSamu弟兄那里收到这个见证。

    We received this testimony from Brother Eric Samu , VGR Office Manager in Abidjan , Ivory Coast .

  7. 主要城市阿比让的大部分领土仍在在去年11月份的选举后拒绝出让总统职位的巴博(LaurentGbagbo)手中。

    The main city Abidjan remains largely in the hands of Laurent Gbagbo , who has refused to step down as head of state since elections last November .

  8. 然而,尽管该市在1983年被定为国家首都,但如今大部分商业与行政活动仍发生在另一座城市阿比让(Abidjan)。

    However , while it was named the nation 's capital in 1983 , most commercial and administrative activities still take place in another city , Abidjan .

  9. 在附近的一个仓库,中间商纳兹尔摩洛(nazirmoroe)还有30吨可可豆没有卖出去,在阿比让,两卡车的可可豆在寻找买家。

    In a nearby depot , middleman Nazir moroe has 30 tonnes of unsold cocoa and two trucks of beans in Abidjan in search of a buyer .

  10. 此前,他下令立即在阿比让实施夜间宵禁。

    Earlier , he imposed an immediate overnight curfew on Abidjan .

  11. 从象牙海岸的商业首都阿比让,约翰詹姆斯报告。

    From Ivory Coast 's commercial capital Abidjan , John James reports .

  12. 阿比让是当时的首都和最大的城市。

    Abidjan is the current capital and the largest city .

  13. 中西非行动计划(阿比让公约)

    Plan of Action of West and Central Africa ( Abidjan Convention )

  14. 我们认为录音带录自达喀尔或是阿比让。

    We think the tape was made in either dakar , abidjan .

  15. 尼日利亚联邦检查人员星期五在阿比让提出了书面文件,寻求结束原有的诉讼。

    Federal prosecutors filed papers in Abuja Friday seeking to discontinue its original lawsuit .

  16. 阿比让的战斗将是决定性的。

    The battle for Abidjan will be decisive .

  17. 肯尼亚总理奥廷加星期一抵达了科特迪瓦的主要城市阿比让。

    Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga arrived in the main city of Abidjan Monday .

  18. 但是,阿比让的商店照常营业,街头市场也和平常一样繁忙。

    But shops stayed open in Abidjan and street markets were bustling as normal .

  19. 这两例分别是由首都阿比让不同卫生地区报告的。

    The cases were reported in different health districts of the capital , Abidjan .

  20. 他和一伙效忠他的军人在阿比让的住所固守。

    He had been entrenched at the Abidjan residence with a band of loyal fighters .

  21. 这个决议也禁止在阿比让周边使用重武器。

    The resolution also bans the use of heavy weapons around the city of Abidjan .

  22. 多达100万人逃离了自己的家园,大部分在主要城市阿比让。

    As many as one million have fled their homes , in Abidjan , the main city .

  23. 位于主要城市阿比让的这栋建筑先后遭遇迫击炮和火箭炮的袭击。

    The building in the main city Abidjan was hit by mortar rounds and then by a rocket .

  24. 科特迪瓦卫生部宣布首都阿比让发生了黄热病疫情。

    The Ministry of Health of C ô te d'Ivoire has declared a yellow fever outbreak in Abidjan .

  25. 他出生于象牙海岸首都阿比让,现在比利时布鲁塞尔居住和工作。

    He was born in Abidjan , Ivory Coast and currently lives and works in Brussels , Belgium .

  26. 周四,在科特迪瓦全国范围内发动迅速的进攻之后,忠于瓦塔拉的战士攻入阿比让。

    Fighters loyal to Mr. Ouattara moved into Abidjan on Thursday after a quick offensive through Ivory Coast .

  27. 12月15日,在科特迪瓦阿比让的一家商店,一个象牙商人正在展示他的象牙制品。

    An ivory merchant displays his goods in a shop in Abidjan , Ivory Coast , on December 15 .

  28. 象牙海岸阿比让皮肤病学中心对就诊患者的色素障碍性疾病的流行病学和病原学特点的观察

    Epidemiologic and etiologic features of pigmentation disorders observed during consultation at the dermatology Center of Abidjan , Ivory Coast

  29. 我收到你尽快答复我给你的银行联络阿比让。

    As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank in Abidjan .

  30. 周四,忠于瓦塔拉的不同武装团体在主要城市阿比让发生冲突。

    There were clashes on Thursday in the main city Abidjan between different armed groups loyal to Mr Ouattara .