
ā mǔ hā lā yǔ
  • Amharic
阿姆哈拉语[ā mǔ hā lā yǔ]
  1. 官方语言为阿姆哈拉语,政治和经济活动中通用英语。

    The official language is amharic , political and economic activities in the common english .

  2. Liya会讲英文和阿姆哈拉语,而且她的法文讲得也很流利,还会一点意大利语。

    Liya speaks English and Amharic , as well as fluent French and some Italian .

  3. 阿姆哈拉语一种闪族语言,是埃塞俄比亚的官方语言。

    A Semitic language that is the official language of ethiopia .

  4. 与阿姆哈拉语有关的或有其特性的。

    Related to or characteristic of or written in Amharic .

  5. 亚的斯亚贝巴在阿姆哈拉语里是“崭新的花朵”的意思。

    The city of Addis Abeb , means " New Flower " in Amharic .

  6. 在阿姆哈拉语时通过翻译,阿莱曼说,战斗中丧生,他哥哥举行。

    Speaking in Amharic through an interpreter , Alem said the fight that killed his brother was staged .

  7. 女童化石已经被命名为“塞拉姆”,在衣索比亚官方语言阿姆哈拉语中,这个词有“和平”的含义。

    The fossil has been named " Selam ," which means peace in Ethiopia 's official Amharic language .

  8. 我想要给妈妈写信,但我不会写阿姆哈拉语。

    I " d Iike to write to my mother , but I don " t write amharic .

  9. 你能在希伯来语中找到这些,你能在埃塞俄比亚的主要语言阿姆哈拉语中找到。

    You can get that from Hebrew , you can get that from Ethiopia 's main language , Amharic .

  10. 它属于犹太人集团的语言,其中还包括希伯来语和阿姆哈拉语,使用的主要语言的埃塞俄比亚。

    It belongs to the Semitic group of languages , which also includes Hebrew and Amharic , the main language of Ethiopia .