
  • 网络amritsar
  1. 火车在下午6点15分离开了阿姆利则。

    The train departed Amritsar at 6.15 p.m.

  2. 1915年,他被授予的爵士爵位,但在1919年阿姆利则惨案后,他毅然拒绝了这个荣誉。

    In1915 , he was knighted but repudiated the honour in1919 after the Amritsar Massacre .

  3. 家庭医生夏尔马建议这家人把古玛带去阿姆利则人民医院,给专业的儿科医生看看,但是古玛的父母却没有钱。

    The family 's doctor , Sharma , recommended that they take Kumar to a specialized pediatrician at the Civil Hospital in Amritsar but the parents lack funds .

  4. 这项工作的内容是每天制作二十万个烤饼(印度扁面包),1.5吨的扁豆(扁豆汤)和免费的食物来供10万人食用,这使得坐落在印度西部城市阿姆利则的金庙的免费厨房脱颖而出。

    JOB to make Two hundred thousand rotis ( Indian flat bread ) , 1.5 tonnes of dal ( lentil soup ) and free food served to 100000 people everyday are what makes the free kitchen run at the Golden Temple in the western Indian city of Amritsar stand apart .