
  • 网络Alcatel;TCL;ADIXEN
  1. TCL与阿尔卡特结束短暂婚约李东生能否独力扭亏

    TCL and Alcatel finished the transient engagement

  2. 爱立信、诺基亚、阿尔卡特、摩托罗拉、西门子等著名的通信设备商积极的行动,向电信运营商介绍各自的MMS技术和解决方案;

    Ericsson , Nokia , Alcatel , Motorola and Siemens etc are busy with introducing their MMS solutions to operators ;

  3. 最终,价值50亿美元的招标被爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯和三星公司(Samsung)瓜分。

    The $ 5 billion prize was split among Ericsson , Alcatel-Lucent , and Samsung .

  4. 成立于1988年的华为迅速崛起为阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)和思科系统(CiscoSystemsInc。)等老牌网络设备供应商的强敌。

    Founded in1988 , Huawei has grown rapidly to become a major competitor to established network-equipment vendors like Alcatel-Lucent and Cisco Systems Inc.

  5. 阿尔卡特-朗迅公司(Alcatel-Lucent)和涡轮机制造商阿尔斯通(Alstom)也分别宣布与中方签署了协议。

    Alcatel-Lucent and Alstom , the turbine maker , also announced deals .

  6. 而且它还指出,由华为的主要竞争对手&爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯和诺基亚西门子(NokiaSiemens)推出的大部分设备其实也都是在中国制造的。

    It also points out that most equipment made by its main competitors Ericsson , Alcatel-Lucent , and Nokia Siemens is manufactured in China .

  7. 知情人士表示,诺基亚(Nokia)正在就收购阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)无线业务开展深入磋商。

    Nokia is in advanced talks to acquire Alcatel-Lucent 's wireless business , say people familiar with the matter .

  8. 取消阿尔卡特BTS合路器跨桥前后覆盖的测试分析

    Analysis on the Network Coverage by Removing the Cross-bridge of Combiner for the Alcatel BTS

  9. 先后并购汤姆逊、阿尔卡特的彩电和手机业务,TCL成为中国家电业最为耀眼的明星之一。

    TCL became a dazzling star of china in the industry of electric appliance after combining the TTE and T & A.

  10. 此外,相对来说阿尔卡特在北美的实力也很强,而诺基亚在该地区才刚刚通过近期与Sprint的交易取得进展。

    Alcatel is also relatively strong in North America , a region where Nokia has only begun to make headway after recent deals with Sprint .

  11. 过去数年中,华为在电信设备市场上的表现超越了诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)和阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-LucentSA)等许多西方竞争对手。

    Over the past several years , Huawei has outpaced many Western rivals in the telecom equipment market such as Nokia Corp. and Alcatel-Lucent SA .

  12. TCL与汤姆逊和阿尔卡特的问题突显出,中国企业在把国际并购作为进军全球市场的捷径时,面临着诸多困难。

    TCL 's troubles with Thomson and Alcatel underline the difficulties facing Chinese companies using international acquisitions as a shortcut into global markets .

  13. 华为如今与爱立信、高通(Qualcomm)、诺基亚、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)以及其他很多电信技术厂商有交叉许可协议。

    Huawei now has cross-licensing agreements with Ericsson , Qualcomm , Nokia , Alcatel-Lucent and many other telecoms technology makers .

  14. 法国的阿尔卡特-朗讯(alcatel-lucent)没有这种障碍:其三分之一的销售额来自美国。

    Alcatel-lucentof France has no such obstacles : more than a third of its sales come from the US .

  15. 包括阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、爱立信(Ericsson)和华为在内,中兴通讯在全世界的主要竞争对手最近全都对整个行业给出了悲观的预测。

    ZTE 's main global rivals , including Alcatel-Lucent , Ericsson and Huawei , have all recently offered gloomy forecasts for the sector .

  16. 在企业业务方面,华为的网络基建设备被全球许多地区的电信运营商所采用,大挫爱立信(Ericsson)以及收购了阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)的诺基亚(Nokia)。

    On the enterprise side , its network infrastructure equipment is used by telecoms carriers across much of the globe , pummelling Ericsson and the Alcatel-Lucent-bolstered Nokia .

  17. 欧洲不仅是最发达的电信市场之一,而且是阿尔卡特(Alcatel)、诺基亚(Nokia)和爱立信(Ericsson)等竞争对手的本土领地。

    Not only is Europe one of the most developed telecoms markets , it is also the home turf of rivals such as Alcatel , Nokia and Ericsson .

  18. 外国投资委员会与其它非美国公司如阿尔卡特朗讯(AlcatelLucent)谈判达成的缓和协议,包含有关雇员筛查和第三方审计的规定。

    Mitigation agreements negotiated by Cfius with other non-US companies , including Alcatel Lucent , include rules on employee screening and third-party audits .

  19. 阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)表示将无法实现2012年的利润目标。中国的中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE,简称:中兴通讯)发布盈利预警,称上半年利润可能下滑60%至80%。

    Alcatel-Lucent said it will miss its 2012 profit target and China 's ZTE warned first-half profits could be down 60 % to 80 % .

  20. TCL试图通过让原来的主人保留一定股权来限制风险,但阿尔卡特去年把剩余的45%股权也转让给了TCL。

    TCL tried to limit risk by inviting the original owners to remain on board , but Alcatel offloaded its remaining 45 per cent on to TCL last year .

  21. 阿尔卡特在欧洲的竞争对手爱立信(Ericsson)本周也公布利润率和营收双双下跌,而诺基亚西门子通信(NokiaSiemensNetworks)则在进行企业结构重组,将在全球范围内裁员1.7万人。

    Ericsson , its European rival , also reported tumbling margins and revenues this week , while Nokia Siemens Networks is in the middle of a corporate restructuring that will see the loss of 17,000 jobs worldwide .

  22. 至于中国将何时授予这些合同,目前没有确定的最终期限,这使得爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、诺基亚西门子(NokiaSiemens)和中国竞争对手华为(Huawei)仍处于等待中。

    There is no fixed deadline for when the contracts will be awarded , keeping Ericsson , Alcatel Lucent , Nokia Siemens and local rival Huawei , in a state of limbo .

  23. 华为已经超越法国和美国合资公司阿尔卡特朗讯(alcatel-lucent),成为电信设备市场的第三大供应商,仅次于爱立信和诺基亚西门子。

    Huawei has already overtaken Alcatel-Lucent , the Franco-American company , to become number three in the equipment market after Ericsson and NSN .

  24. 例如,电信设备集团阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)开设了内部就业市场,以保证员工的现有技能得到充分发挥。

    Alcatel-Lucent , for instance , has an internal job market to ensure the telecoms equipment group capitalises on employees ' existing skills .

  25. 阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、诺基亚西门子网络(NokiaSiemensNetworks,简称NSN)和爱立信(Ericsson)等欧洲主要电信公司不想与中国打贸易战,以免破坏从中国价值32.5亿美元的4G招标中分一杯羹的前景。

    Leading European companies such as Alcatel-Lucent , NSN and Ericsson did not want a trade war with China to shatter their prospects of winning a slice of China 's $ 3.25bn 4G tender .

  26. 与爱立信(Ericsson)、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)等西方电信设备制造商竞争的华为,将投入6亿美元研发5G技术。

    The company , which rivals western telecoms equipment manufacturers led by Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent , is allocating $ 600m in research and development spending for 5G networks .

  27. 电子产品制造商TCL在2005年收购了汤姆逊(Thomson)的电视制造业务和阿尔卡特(Alcatel)的手机部门,但是随着企业亏损额不断盘旋上升,不得不逐渐缩减两块业务的规模。

    TCL , electronics maker , took over Thomson 's television manufacturing business and Alcatel 's handset unit in 2005 but had to wind down both businesses following spiralling losses .

  28. 美国的思科系统(CiscoSystems)和瞻博网络(JuniperNetworks)、法国的阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)和瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)都使用中国生产的零部件,并且设备的最终组装至少有部分是在中国进行的。

    Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks in the U.S. , Alcatel-Lucent in France and Ericsson in Sweden , all use Chinese-made parts and carry out at least some portion of the final assembly of their equipment in China .

  29. 阿尔卡特朗讯的北美业务总部,位于朗讯在新泽西州梅山(MurrayHill)的遗留部门附近。众所周知,法国上一任经济部长阿诺·蒙特布尔(ArnaudMontebourg)对于让法国公司受外国控制的交易,一向持批判态度。

    France 's previous economy minister , Arnaud Montebourg , was known for taking a critical view of deals that would lead to French companies passing under foreign control .

  30. 处于困境的电信设备制造商阿尔卡特-朗讯(alcatel-lucent)昨日宣布,其董事长和首席执行官即将离职,该公司试图扭转自身的命运。

    Alcatel-Lucent , the beleaguered telecoms equipment maker , yesterday parted company with its chairman and chief executive as it tries to turn round its fortunes .