
  • 网络research and development expenditures
  1. 意见提出的主要目标是:到2025年,综合实力、内生动力和竞争力进一步增强,创新能力建设取得明显成效,全社会研发经费投入占地区生产总值比重达到全国平均水平。

    By 2025 , the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the region should be further enhanced , and marked progress should be achieved in innovation capacity , with its proportion of research and development input in the regional GDP reaching the national average , says the guideline .

  2. 根据十二五规划纲要,2015年研发经费占GDP比重应达到2.2%,高于目前1.7%的水平。

    By the 12th Five-Year Programme , R & D expenditure will be increased from the current 1.7 per cent of GDP to 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2015 .

  3. 我以为有两个数字比GDP更为重要,一是教育经费占国内生产总值的比重;一是研发经费占国内生产总值的比重。

    I believe two figures are even more important than the GDP . One is the proportion of expenditure on education in GDP and the other is the proportion of research and development expenditure in GDP .

  4. 2007年全世界研发经费投入占GDP的比重,平均水平是2.2%,其中美国为2.67%,日本为3.44%,而我国为1.3~1.6%。

    R & D expenditure in 2007 the world GDP , the average level was 2.2 % , which the United States was 2.67 % , Japan 3.44 % , while China is 1.3 ~ 1.6 % .

  5. 2001年初,TMIS机务安全运用管理信息系统已经在株洲电力机车研究所立项,项目研发经费为100万元人民币,专门组成了一个软件事业部来进行该项目的研发。

    At early time of 2001 , " TMIS " had been established as a project to be developed in TEG , and a Software Development Department had been organized to develop it .

  6. CristinaGarmendia,西班牙的科学部长警告说缩减研发经费将会给西班牙带来可怕的后果。

    Cristina Garmendia , Spain 's outgoing science minister , warns that slashing R & D in a fit of deficit mania will harm Spain 's prospects .

  7. 美国2002年研发经费投入分析及启示

    Analysis on USA 's R & D Budget for Year 2002

  8. 美国研发经费投入分析及建议

    Analysis on USA 's R & D Investment and some Suggestions

  9. 国际研发经费支出规律与现状分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics and Status of International R & D Expenditures

  10. 企业研发经费投入是其提高生产效率的基本推动力。

    Corporate R & D expenditure is the basic impetus of productivity .

  11. 从2000年以来,中国全社会研发经费投入以年均近20%的速度增长。

    China 's research spending has expanded by 20 percent a year since the year 2000 .

  12. 而税收优惠政策主要对研发经费支出产生正向作用,因为它可以进行税前抵扣。

    The major tax incentives for R & D expenditures have positive effect because it can be tax deductible .

  13. 这个过分夸张的精巧装置同时也表明,日本企业所花的大量研发经费到底在哪儿出了岔子。

    The overly ornate contraption could also symbolize where much of research and development spending by Japanese companies has gone wrong .

  14. 因此,我们应积极致力于提高疫苗的研发经费并促进疫苗的早日问世。

    Importantly , we should devote ourselves to actively promoting the funding the R & D and improvement of the vaccines .

  15. 大中型企业的研发经费投入产生的成果能迅速转化成生产力,具有技术转化的便利,能更好促进经济的繁荣。

    The achievement of the input of research in factories can be transformed to the productive forces rapidly and promote economic growth .

  16. 研发经费视角下中美两国高校科技创新的特点分析

    Comparison on the Characteristics of S T Innovation in Universities between China and USA based on the View of R D Expenditures

  17. 美国总统奥巴马近期宣布大幅削减氢燃料电池车的研发经费,经济问题是其政策调整的主要原因。

    US president Barack Obama recently announced that the United States would slash the funds for the research and development of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles .

  18. 中国军费开支中有相当大一部分(包括研发经费)都没有反映在国防开支的官方数字中。

    Large parts of China 's military spending , including R & D outlays , do not appear in its official numbers on defense spending .

  19. 研发经费支出、人力资本和外商研发中心数是影响开发区技术学习创新产出的重要因素。

    R D funds disbursement , human capital and the number of foreign R D centers were the important factors of the ETDZ technological learning and innovation delivers .

  20. 在此基础上进一步从理论和实证研究角度分别探讨我国产业在开放条件下的最优研发经费投入比例。

    On these bases , a further research , from theoretically and empirically , has been carried out to discuss the optimal ratio of RD with the conditions of open economy .

  21. 研发经费投入强度与代表盈利能力的主营业务利润率和每股收益两个指标都与呈正相关关系。

    The intensity of R & D investment is positively correlated with the main business profit margins and earnings per share , which are two indicators on behalf of the profitability .

  22. 通过对2007-2009年的滞后性检验,发现中小板上市公司研发经费强度和研发人员强度对企业业绩的影响均不存在滞后性。

    Through the lagging test from 2007 to 2009 , the result shows that neither the R D funding intensity nor R D personnel intensity has a lagging impact on corporate performance .

  23. 同时,就我国卫生研发经费调查的现状进行分析,并对建立我国卫生研发活动监测体系给予政策建议。

    In addition , we analyze the status of health R D funding investigation in China , and elicit how to develop a monitoring system for tracking health R D funding flows .

  24. 配合芬兰发展科技业的计画,政府跟著加码投资研发经费,并鼓励企业跟进。

    In coordination with plans for the country 's technological development , the government of Finland has upped its commitment to invest in research and development , encouraging private enterprise to do likewise .

  25. 如何确定企业的研发经费的投入,及如何提升研发的产出绩效,是知识经济时代企业研发管理实践和理论研究中的重要课题。

    And how to confirm the R D budget and how to promote the R D performance , is the important topic in the practice of enterprise R D management and the theoretical research .

  26. 这两家公司一旦合并,将打造出像波音那样具有良好平衡的企业,将会有稳定的资金流、共同的研发经费与进行大规模投资项目的能力。

    Together , the two firms would have produced a well-balanced business resembling Boeing , with stable cash flows , pooled R & D spending and the ability to take on big investment programmes .

  27. 研究结果表明,研发经费投入及科研人员投入与经济发展间存在着较大的相关关系,并且,科研人员投入与经济发展的关联性更高。

    The research result indicates that there is significant relationship between the R & D , scientific researcher investment and economic development . The scientific researcher is even more closely related to the economic development .

  28. 这是因为直接的资助可能比政府支出更会提高整体的研发经费,因为公司会相应地投入额外的经费。

    This is because direct funding is likely to raise total spending on R & D by more than the amount spent by the government , as additional funds may be provided by the firm itself .

  29. 因此,许多专家认为,航空母舰作战不是以我国近期内虽然中国是研发经费和人员培训航母作战。

    Thus , many experts have concluded that an operational aircraft carrier does not appear to be in China 's near future , even though China is funding research and development and training officers in aircraft carrier operations .

  30. 高技术产品的重要特点是细分度高,很多产品市场容量有限,产品科技含量与生产规模成反比,但是却与研发经费成正比。

    The important feature of high-tech products are high breakdown , many products have the limited capacity of market . Technological content of products is inversely proportional to the scale of production , but is proportional to R & D funding .