
  • 网络inquiry learning;project learning;project-based learning;research-based learning;research
  1. 研究性学习,作为一种典型的现代大学生学习方式,在高校实施具有独特的优势。

    As a typical modern learning style , inquiry learning cherishes special advantages .

  2. 广义研究性学习既是一种学习观,又是一种课程观。

    Generally speaking , inquiry learning was both view on learning and view on curriculum .

  3. 基于Blog技术的研究性学习的实施策略研究;

    Strategic research on the Research-Oriented Learning based on Blog technology ;

  4. Intel未来教育与研究性学习

    Intel future education and research learning

  5. 最后为e-Learning在今后高中数学研究性学习中更好地应用提出了自己的建议。

    It offers some suggestions on better applications of e-learning in later project learning of senior high school math .

  6. 但从其实质看,PBL是个案研究性学习的一种形式,本身也有一些不足。

    In the fact , PBL is a kind of individual inquiry learning form and there is some shortcoming .

  7. IRE、调查性报道与中国观照研究性学习与主体性观照

    IRE , Investigative Reporting and the China Reflection The Relationship between Inquiry Study and Leading Parts

  8. 有鉴于此,本文作者在《C语言》课程的教学实践,积极探索一种基于学科教学的融合型研究性学习教学模式,以及评价体系。

    In view of this , author 's of this text teaching practice in course of " C language ", explore a kind of integration type studying study teaching mode based on discipline teaching actively , and appraise the system .

  9. 根据研究性学习实践中的需求,提出了一种基于Web的研究性学习平台的设计方案,重点讨论了平台的功能结构、平台设计的方法以及ASP技术在其中地应用。

    According to the demands of the inquiry learning in practice , this article puts forward a project designing Web-based inquiry learning platform , and makes a specific exposition about the function , designing method , key technology and ASP application in it .

  10. 全文分析了物理研究性学习和STS教育的特点和科学教育功能,指出高中物理开展研究性学习可以促进物理教学中的STS教育。

    The whole thesis analyse the feature of physics researching study and the STS instruction as well as the function of science education , which points out that the researching study of physics in senior high school can promote the STS instruction during physics education .

  11. 研究性学习实施中教师指导的有效性研究

    On the Efficacy of Teachers ' Instruction in Inquiry-based Learning Curriculum

  12. 研究性学习的练习场&CAI软件设计的教学体会

    Training Place of Research Study & After Thoughts on CAI-Designing Teaching

  13. 试析劳动与技术教育和研究性学习的整合

    On the Conformity of Labor - Technology Education and Studied Learning

  14. 基于多媒体网络的大学物理研究性学习探讨

    Approach to inquiry learning of college Physics based on multimedia network

  15. 师范院校开展研究性学习的必要性与构想

    The Necessity and a Scheme of Academic Study in Normal Universities

  16. 基于校园网的研究性学习支持系统的开发

    On the Design of RS Network System to Boost Research Study

  17. 让学校德育走进研究性学习&论德育领域开展研究性学习的必要性

    The necessity on the project learning of the school moral education

  18. 在数学研究性学习中培养学生的创新能力

    To Develop Student 's Creative Ability by Research Study of Mathematic

  19. 对照组按实习大纲进行临床教学,无开展研究性学习教学。

    Only normal clinical teaching was used in the control group .

  20. 小班化教育&推动研究性学习开展的有效形式

    Small Class educating & an Effective Form of Promoting Research-based Learning

  21. 研究性学习活动课程:意义与性质、问题及澄清

    Research-oriented Learning Activity Course : Significance , Nature , Problems and Clarification

  22. 思想政治教学;教学法;研究性学习。

    Thought political teaching ; Teaching method ; Research study .

  23. 男生三人制篮球研究性学习的实验研究

    Research Report on the Story of Three - person Basketball for Sophomore

  24. 研究性学习课程的特点及实施策略

    On the character of study curriculum and its practice tactics

  25. 心理学教学中开展研究性学习的思考与实践

    The Think and Practice of Inquiring Learning in Psychology Teaching

  26. 影响研究性学习实施的因素及对策

    Factors on affecting the implementation of research study and strategies

  27. 研究性学习中教师心理失衡现象分析

    Analysis on the phenomenon of teachers ' mental disorder in inquiry learning

  28. 体育课研究性学习的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Research - orientated Learning in PE Course

  29. 试论中学研究性学习的个体价值

    On the Individual Value of Learning of Research in the Middle School

  30. 数学研究性学习与教学问题提出

    Research & Oriented Study of Mathematics and Mathematical Problem Posing