
  • 网络protocol;study protocol;research proposal
  1. 制定了标准化的研究方案以便协助在其它地方开展类似的警戒。

    A standardized research protocol has been developed to aid similar vigilance elsewhere .

  2. 制定了试验的具体研究方案,对试验模型进行了精心合理的设计。

    Developed a specific study protocol of the test , and designed the model of the test carefully .

  3. 缺少资金将对我们的研究方案有不利影响。

    Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme .

  4. 本文详细阐述了一个能对探测器光谱响应度,滤光片透过率和LED光、色度参数进行测试的系统的研究方案。

    This thesis introduces a system that can be used for detector 's spectral responsibility , optical filter 's permeation rate and LED 's photometric and colorimetric testing .

  5. 瓦霍维娅公司前董事长托马斯·R·威廉斯发现,许多在银行界工作的年轻人不知道什么时候该停止研究方案,什么时候该着手结束工作。

    Thomas R. Williams , former chairman of Wachovia Corporation , discovered that many young people in banking don 't know when to stop researching a project and start wrapping it up .

  6. 简单叙述了基于JSP的数字图书著录与检索系统的主要设计思路,并介绍了该系统所包含的主要功能及研究方案。

    Briefly describes the major design ideas of digital books description and retrieval system based on JSP . Also introduces the main functions and research plans of the system .

  7. 本文通过对国内外手语识别技术的发展现状进行调研和分析的基础上,提出了基于MEMS技术的加速度传感器进行手势语识别方法的研究方案。

    To begin with this article firstly introduces the domestic development on sign language recognition technology . Finally the article gives our own design plan & sign language recognition system based on MEMS accelerometer .

  8. 采用成组匹配的病例对照研究方案,用纸片法采集病例和对照外周血标本,用PCR-RFLP方法确定基因型(C677T)。

    Venous blood from both cases and controls were collected by dry blood spots . Genotype ( C677T ) of each sample was decided by PCR - RFLP method .

  9. 目的:采用多中心、随机对照的临床研究方案,研究电针头穴加耳针治疗地震后创伤应激障碍(PTSD)与西药帕罗西汀疗效之间的差异,为PTSD的临床防治提供新方法。

    Objective : To study the therapeutic effects of scalp electric acupuncture combining with auricular acupuncture in treating posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) through Randomized Control Trial ( RCT ) .

  10. 针对交会对接仿真系统的三种实现方式,提出先研制一种可扩充的RVD数字仿真系统,再在其基础上进行扩充的研究方案。

    In order to establish the Rendezvous and Docking ( RVD ) simulation system , the scheme of a computer simulation system , which is expansible , is put forward in this paper .

  11. 基于等离子体状态下的离子通道电子回旋脉泽(ICECM)能够产生宽带高功率微波辐射,是一个新的可调谐同步辐射源研究方案。

    Ion Channel Electron Cyclotron Maser ( ICECM ) is an advanced new scheme to generate tunable coherent radiation with frequency ranging from microwave to x rays .

  12. 本文设计了一套1000MW直接空冷机组汽泵冷却用蒸发式冷凝器的研究方案。

    So the study has important significance . A set of millions of directly air-cooling unit steam feeding water pumps with evaporation cooling as condenser plan is designed .

  13. 本文将具有互补性的水印处理方法相结合,提出一种基于数字全息和DCT-SVD的鲁棒数字水印研究方案再经过试验仿真验证该方案很好的鲁棒性。

    Based on the high robustness requirement of the watermark , this paper combines the complementary watermarking processing method , puts forward a digital watermarking method due to digital holography and DCT-SVD transform .

  14. 为对正在发展中的桂林城市地面整体性岩溶热蚀沉降开展定量预测,提出了建立基于t-GIS的桂林城市岩溶热蚀沉降虚拟预测系统的研究方案。

    For prognosticating developing karst heat corrosion subsidence of the whole urban ground of Guilin , the study plan for setting up the dynamic model of the virtual prognostication for karst heat corrosion subsidence based on t - GIS has been put forward in this paper .

  15. 中药新药临床研究方案设计中相关问题探讨

    Some problems in clinical trials design of new traditional Chinese medicine

  16. 第四章为研究方案的总体设计。

    Chapter four is the overall design scheme of research approach .

  17. 海上平台桶形基础负压沉贯技术的模拟试验研究方案

    Study scheme of simulation experiment on suction technique for Offshore Bucket Foundations

  18. 综合实践活动课题研究方案的设计

    Design of Research Scheme of the Subject Integrated Practice Activities

  19. 提出了利用高非线性微结构光纤自相位调制效应进行全光再生的研究方案。

    All-optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in microstructured fiber is studied .

  20. 拉丁美洲人口社会研究方案

    Programme of Social Research on Population in Latin America

  21. 南南合作研究方案咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee for the Research Programme on South-South Cooperation

  22. 阐述了系统的总体研究方案及设计思路;

    The research scheme and the design concept of the system are discussed .

  23. 人本心理学解释学研究方案具有独特的内涵、特征、研究过程与意义。

    Humanistic hermeneutic research approach is a concrete practice developed by humanistic psychologists .

  24. 体验的回归:人本心理学启发式研究方案评析

    Returning to Experience : A Review on the Heuristic Research Program of Humanistic Psychology

  25. 突发性特大自然灾害触发因子的发现及其物理研究方案

    Discovery of the Triggering Factor on Exceptional Serious Natural Disasters and Its Physical Study

  26. 岩质边坡失稳机理研究方案探讨

    Studying on the failure mechanism of rock slope

  27. 国际环境法联合研究方案

    Joint Research Program for International Environmental Law

  28. 生育调节应用研究方案

    Programme for Applied Research in Fertility Regulation

  29. 分阶段施工合成连续箱梁桥的监测研究方案

    Monitoring and research scheme for a continuous composite box beam bridge with construction by stages

  30. 老龄与保健研究方案

    Programme of research on ageing and health