
  • 【地名】【白俄罗斯】Alësha
  1. 体操帮助她挽救了阿廖沙的生命。

    And gymnastics helped save Alisher 's life .

  2. 当丘索维金娜回到家时,得知阿廖沙被确诊为白血病。

    When Chusovitina returned home , it was to find out he had leukemia .

  3. 为了给阿廖沙治病,丘索维金娜离开祖国乌兹别克脏,改为德国出战。

    It is because of that illness that Chusovitina competes for Germany instead of her native Uzbekistan .

  4. 据丘索维金娜的教练莎娜说阿廖沙现在康复了,并撞长体操。

    Healthy now , Alisher excels at gymnastics , according to Chusovitina 's coach , Shaima Poljakova .

  5. 她9岁的儿子阿廖沙正在从白血病中康复。阿廖沙的病使得丘索维金嫌在6年前移居德国。

    Her 9-year-old son , Alisher , is in recovery from leukemia , the illness that brought Chusovitina to Germany six years ago .

  6. 拿着赚取的体操比赛奖金和布吕格曼夫妇与国际体操联营机构成员的资助,丘索维金娜才能够确保阿廖沙在科隆大学医院接受治疗。

    With prize money earned from gymnastics competitions , along with the help of the Brflggemanns and members of the international gymnastics community who fundraised and donated to the cause , Chusovitina was able to secure treatment for Alisher at tiie University of Cologne 's hospital .